I would suggest a few amendments to your idea(s).

1. Consider the vector space of 1-cells over the integers, ie. of finite
arrays of integer atoms. 
   Multiplication by a scalar is as defined by J, adding is done by ([: +/
,:)&.|. so the shorter vector is preceded by zeroes.
   Notice that a b c -: 0 a b c 

2. A projection (with base x) from this vector space to the integers is done
by pr=:  ((^ i.@#) +/@:(*|.) ] ) 
   It's rather obvious that this projection is linear, so its kernel K (all
the 1-cells projected on 0) is a subspace.
   However, notice that this projection is not injective, but it is
surjective, ie. every integer is the projection of some 1-cells.

3. If we want an inverse for this projection, we should choose a
representative from y + K for each integer z = x pr y (with 1-cells x and
   For 0 <: z this is usual done by choosing r from y + K  such that (0<: r)
*./@: *. r < x

4. The solution Bron gave seems quite appropriate to choose a representative
for the negative integers:
    For z < 0  and z = x pr y (with 1-cells x and y), choose r from y + K
such that (r < 0) *./@: *. r (>-) x

5. It's obvious that for the projection one could use #. 
   So for the inverse #.^:_1 should be appropriate. 
   However, it does not work for negative z :

3 4 5 7

  so it should be adjusted to -@(pv-)`pv @.(0<:*)  with pv=: #.^:_1

   10  -@(pv-)`pv @.(0<:*)  _6543
_6 _5 _4 _3

R.E. Boss

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: programming-boun...@jsoftware.com [mailto:programming-
> boun...@jsoftware.com] Namens Marshall Lochbaum
> Verzonden: donderdag 15 december 2011 3:38
> Aan: Programming forum
> Onderwerp: Re: [Jprogramming] How #: should have been designed
> So, this will probably just look like a lot of math, but I think it's what
> you are trying to say:
> We can consider the vector space over the real numbers consisting of all
> infinite sequences of numbers with finitely many nonzero terms. So a
> member
> of this space can be expressed as a finite list that ends where it starts
> being zero, i.e.
> 1 5 2 8 0 <=> 1 5 2 8 0 0 0...
> Note that the length of this vector is not an intrinsic property; it
> has infinite length, and if we add two (using the addition property that
> comes with being a vector space), we may need to pad one or the other if
> we
> are using a finite representation.
> There is a family of projections from this vector space onto the real
> numbers given by any base b, and which consist of summing the formal
> series
> (b^i._) +/@:* v . This is the standard base formula #. , with left
> b, except that I've reversed the direction of the sequence involved.
> These projections are linear, so they have the property that (c*#.) -:
> ([:#.c&*) , and (dyadically) (+&#. -: #.@:+) .
> Since the kernel of each such projection is a subspace of our vector
> it defines a quotient space, which consists of all of the equivalence
> classes of the space under equality of base. This quotient space has one
> element for each real number.
> The problem is that the quotient space is defined abstractly--it is no use
> to us in actually finding vectors which represent a given number in our
> base. If we have such a back-projection--and here's where your examples
> come in--addition commutes with #. by linearity, so (+&.:(#.^:_1) -: ]) .
> Therefore we have antibase, which attempts to find a representative vector
> in the original space for each real number we give it. It's correct on the
> nonnegative real numbers, and furthermore generates a unique vector for
> each input up to initial zeros.
> One approach to #: would simply be to return the number, with all zeros
> after that. That is indeed a correct inverse, and furthermore is linear,
> but it's useless, since it just spits the same number back. What we
> actually want is to place some restrictions on the output. For nonnegative
> integers and integers b>1, we can ensure that all of the digits of the
> lifted vector are in (i.b) . For reals we use the integral representation
> of the floor, but allow the last digit to be real (i.e. we take (#:<.r) +
> ((_#0) , 1|r)), maintaining that all digits are nonnegative and less than
> For negative numbers this approach falls apart. The region of space we
> used for nonnegative numbers doesn't contain a representative for every
> equivalence class. Therefore we need to pick a new space to work with if
> want to invert #. for negative numbers. That's what we've been trying to
> do, and unlike nonnegative integers, there's no easy answer.
> Marshall

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