Currently I get an error if I try to plot from jconsole (Windows or Linux).
I'm pretty sure (at least under Linux) that I used to get a gtk window.

   load 'plot'
   plot 10?10
|value error: glcanvas_jgl2_
|   PIdLoc=:    glcanvas_jgl2_ PForm;PId;(Cw,Ch);coname''
   'output pdf' plot 10?10
|value error: PIdLoc
|   _2{.getGtkWidgetAllocation_jgtk_     canvas__PIdLoc
   'output pdf' plot 10?10

   load 'pacman'
   'search' jpkgv 'graphics base library gui'
|base library    |7.1.52|7.1.52|base library scripts           |
|graphics/afm    |1.0.2 |1.0.2 |AFM                            |
|graphics/bmp    |1.0.1 |1.0.1 |bitmap utilities               |
|graphics/color  |1.0.1 |1.0.1 |Color tables                   |
|graphics/gl2    |1.0.14|1.0.14|gl2                            |
|graphics/graph  |1.0.3 |1.0.3 |Graph                          |
|graphics/jturtle|1.0.1 |1.0.1 |Turtle graphics                |
|graphics/opengl |1.0.11|1.0.11|OpenGL graphics                |
|graphics/plot   |1.0.25|1.0.25|Plot                           |
|graphics/viewmat|1.0.2 |1.0.2 |Displays a viewmat             |
|gui/gtk         |1.0.77|1.0.77|GTK API                        |
|gui/jgtkgrid    |1.0.7 |1.0.7 |Grid implementation for J7/JGTK|
Engine: j701/2011-01-10/11:25
Library: 7.01.052
Platform: Win 32
Installer: j701a_win.exe
InstallPath: c:/program files/j701
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