Hello Seb:

On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Tibor Simko wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Sebastien Hugues wrote:
>> Here are the patches for porting WebSubmit user file to the
>> new url schema. Hope you will integrate them without problems !
> Thanks, I'll play with them this evening.

So I had a look.  A number of patches did not apply cleanly, there was
a lot of fuzzing and rejecting.  I tried to solve them manually, but
it did not help too much.  For example, the definition of
WebInterfaceYourApprovalsPages is missing, there is only:

   $ grep WebInterfaceYourApprovalsPages *
   123.patch: class WebInterfaceYourApprovalsPages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
   126.patch: from invenio.websubmit_webinterface import 
   126.patch:     yourapprovals = WebInterfaceYourApprovalsPages()
   126.patch: class WebInterfaceYourApprovalsPages(WebInterfaceDirectory):

Are you sure you included all the patches?  The tarball contained
holes in the patch number range:

   114.patch 115.patch 116.patch 117.patch 123.patch 125.patch

I may try to fill in the missing WebInterfaceYourApprovalsPages and
friends, but you probably have them ready?

                                * * *

Some bits and pieces spotted randomly while patching:

   $ more 114.patch
         websubmit_templates_epfl.py    \

Your local template files are not present in CVS.  Maybe you have not
diffed against pure CVS?

   $ more 114.patch
   +class WebInterfacePublilinePages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
   +  # Only the index function is public
   +  _exports = ['']

Beware, this is wrong indentation.  Please use 4 spaces as per PEP 8.
You may want to run pylint to be warned of these (and other) problems.
See also:


Best regards
Tibor Simko ** CERN IT-UDS ** Bldg 31-S-014 ** Voice: +41-22-7673527
CERN Document Server ** <http://cds.cern.ch/> ** <cds.supp...@cern.ch>

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