On 21.06.2012 07:15, Jerome Caffaro wrote:


[...] if we start from WebSubmit elements, we can spread
this technique to say BibFormat elements and elsewhere

If so, please take note of the following ticket:

Thanks for this pointer. Definitely points in the same direction.

I would also add that I would not go as far as to allow
overriding of of BibFormat elements (bfe_*.py) and
templates (*.bft), as these can already be very well
handled in the case of Invenio upgrades as well as
installs from an overlay repo.

Actually, bfe_* and *.bft cause some trouble at the moment
if you want to handle them cleanly. At least as far as I
understood it.

In our current code base we tried not to really overwrite
default stuff but actually create new ones, but some changes
here are unavoidable, I fear. At least I did some minor but
for us essential changes to the Default_HTML_*. Some of it
might hold for the general public some of it might not. E.g.
in HB I enabled the title to be click able and handled like
the "Details" link as it is common in almost all databases.
This would be portable. In HD I added some actions like
"Request correction" which generates a message to a certain
group. This is again portable within our installations but
might not be suitable for the general public, as
incorporates some parts of our workflow.

Additionally, I admit that we won about 25 new bfe_*. Some
of them are IMHO very generic (bfe_sfx, bfe_dblinkup e.g.
that hook up other library services like an OpenURL resolver
or gateways to other databases or something like
bfe_idnumber to extract a given ID from a dataset) I think
they'd translate well to general installations. Those I also
tried to implement with protability in mind. E.g.
bfe_idnumber has default settings for working on 0247_ but
you can change the fields and subfields, criteria,
transforms and so on to your liking via parameters.

Then we have something like bfe_authors_hgf.py or
bfe_bibtex_hgf.py which are generic "but". We use this _hgf
suffix for stuff that is common for all our installations
which might rely on some local conventions. IMHO all are
sensible conventions and to the best of our knowledge none
of them breaks or even bends Marc. (If it does I fear I'm to
be blamed...)

E.g. bfe_authors_hgf.py is a direct descendent of your own
style, except that we use indicators for 100/700 to be 1_
not __ plus we use authority control via 1001_$0 which
allows us to build up a better URL in case we want to search
all articles from Ms. Smith: ie. we check if $0 is set, if
it is build the search-url to use this number, if not use
her name. This still works in general, but currently e.g.
uses the convention that every author (though she may have
several IDs) is linked in $0 by only one of them in the
records. Say if Ms. Smith has an ORCHID-ID, a VIAF, an ID
from DESY and one from us our current scheme allows to store
them in her authority record, but we assume (silently) for
this procedure to work that the linkup is done by ONE of
those IDs only. Otherwise the list will not be complete.
(Hint: here we are relying here on authority controled
search to enter the invenio search engine eventually as
discussed with Tibor while ago. Ie. it should acutally take
the number given, look up the authority record and then
search for all possible Ids. I could add this to the bfe_
but it doesn't sound to sensible to live there.) BTW: this
"authors-thing" is actually using CFG_WEBSTYLE_TEMPLATE_SKIN
to notify "internal" authors. Ie.  authors from our own
institute. It would e.g. print "Wagner, Alexander (FZJ)",
where the FZJ is uppercase(CFG_WEBSTYLE_TEMPLATE_SKIN).

I fear this intermediate layer is not easy to catch via

Finally, we have some friends that might be really depending
on a specific instance of one of our installations. Those
would finally get the CFG_WEBSTYLE_TEMPLATE_SKIN postfix.

I think, as soon as we got this beast flying we should set
up some meeting to discuss in a small group how we can
contribute our stuff to invenio-git and how to fiddle things
apart due to these minor issues.


Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner
Subject Specialist
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail : a.wag...@fz-juelich.de
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

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