On 10/1/10 2:58 PM, David White wrote:

4. So it seems that I have two choices: (a) change my code to GET rather than POST or (b) users can change the addon's options so the addon will post to the .php.html (directly) instead of the .php (redirect). The former requires an addon update for all users while the latter requires that all users somehow figure out that something is wrong and either email me or go to the addon's website where I have posted information about all this. I like the former because it requires no active participation from my users save installing the updated addon (which they should find out about automatically). But the addon update will have to sit for who knows how long before it gets approved.

Well the only other option is I add a rule for your project ONLY to allow php.

Then when you think everything is good and most of your users have updated, then I can remove it.

What project is it again?



Pete Collins - Founder, Mozdev Group Inc.
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