On 03/18/2011 12:51 PM, Erich Christian wrote:
Hi Tim, *

Am 18.03.2011 14:42, schrieb Webmaster for Lungstrom.com:
Am 17.03.2011 22:39, schrieb Erich Christian:
Are these sub-sites just English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,
etc., translations for the German version, or will they be their own
versions of the original site with content differences and such?
Subsites will be created on demand of teams like at LO website and the
teams are free to decide whether they want to translate or create their
own pages.
Thank you for clarifying this.

What happens with the projects that are different than the original
site, like our North American project?  Will it become something like
"north_american.libreofficebox.org" ?
Up to you actually, I don't really see any restrictions.

Thank you for clarifying this.
I think our project may be something like the above sub-domain.

1] The main site in English [standard some would say], but if there is
the ability for the site to access the visitor's default language, the
visitor would be forwarded to the correct language version of the main
I guess there's the possibility to fetch the visitor's browser language
and redirect him, but this is far ahead because it is not our job to do
all the translations - we offer the environment for different teams to
do it, like on the LO website.

I know many sites do this, but once you get your pages translated to one or two other languages you might look into adding that feature to your domain. Our project will have a manual language "bar" somewhat like what is one the "wiki" pages where you can click on the language and you go to that language's version of the displayed page and then stay with that language's pages till you switch to a different language. Actually the "wiki" pages is what made me want to have that option for our site and DVD when we have more languages available than English.
2]  The main site would have a page listing all the different regional
projects sorted by language[s] and geographical region[s].
http://libreofficebox.org/projects/  is a start for this

---- see the bottom of the email for the error message displayed - the web server is unable to "respond". . . . Also on the projects page, the de.libre. . . . link worked before but the "develop" project link did not work.
3]  There will be a page where the visitor would find places to download
the ISO files from these different regional projects, and versions of
the CD/DVD projects in as many languages as available.
Each subsite can provide a download page on their website in the
according language.
It would be nice to have one page listing all the available places. It would be convenient for the user/visitor. Could you have a symbol/icon of a CD/DVD next to the name of the project and/or the projects link giving the user an indicator that that project has a DVD, ISO download or media to "sell", or other icons that indicate something about the project. Language icon, ISO icon, region icon? Something like the icons on the DVD project showing if the link is to a Writer file, and archived file, a web link, and email link, and all the other ones in the theme folders.
4] There will be a page that list groups or individuals where a visitor
can purchase a physical copy of a DVD or CD so there would be no need to
use their bandwidth to download up to 4.4 GB of file size of an ISO file
and then burn the ISO to a working CD or DVD for their use.  Have this
list sorted, again, by language[s] and geographical region[s].  This way
the visitor can find a "seller" that is the closest to their location
and have the least amount of shipping cost to them.
Up to the teams again, we'll provide the space for a website and a
development site as I have written.
As before, a list of these sites [whether project sites or other web pages] and an icon next to the link showing there is a link to the DVD for sale.
Actually, a nice marketing "tag line" for the "seller" would be "with
ever DVD purchase, we will donate a portion of the sale to LibreOffice
and The Document Foundation".  I would think people would like that.  If
it costs $10 USD to make a professionally printed DVD and Case, ant it
takes $5 USD to ship it to the buyer, the buyer would not be to unhappy
if the seller adds on a $1 or $2 to that price for a donation.  So the
sale would be $11 plus $5 shipping and processing, with the seller
sending a check to The Document Foundation/LibreOffice for each purchase
as a donation.
see above
"see above"? I do not know where you mean. This was just an idea for those who might be thinking about offering a physical DVD for sale/shipped to the visitors. I was just thinking about a way TDF/LO could have an income/donation source. Every not-for-profit organization needs to have money to pay for things. This one to pay for server space, electricity, domain fees, marketing supplies like event banners and handouts. A local non-profit group gets about $200 USD per year for dues, but the yearly bills is almost $500 USD per year, so they rely on donations and fundraising to cover those costs.
"We have finished the first step of our move and are up to prepare
Silverstripe and the iso generating scripts on libreofficebox.org for
multilingual use"

What does this mean?  It seems to read that there will be a script that
will generate an ISO file "on demand" for the visitor.  I do not know
about "you" but it takes over 15 minutes to generate a 4 GB DVD on a
dual core 2GHz Vista machine.
No, not for the visitor but for the teams.
Our service is focussed on the community, the services for visitors are
up to the teams.
I would like to know more about this, if someone would send to me this information - off the list
to this email address - webmas...@krackedpress.com
The dvd ui can be exported together with all linked files prior to
an upcoming release of a dvd into static html, the iso file will be
generated by script from this export.

I read this as saying there will be a script in the HTML page that will
look into a data base file for all the listed DVD projects and display
this list for the visitor to see.  Then if there is a new project to be
added to the list, you add it to the data base file and not change the
code or scripts on the HTML page that displays the list.
Again this procedure is dedicated to the teams to create their iso files.
Visitor can choose from http://libreofficebox.org/projects/
what he wants to see or will be redirected later on.
As more projects become available, that list on your /projects/ page will be much larger than the current two of
de. and devel.
I like that idea.  I use to have a site that half of the pages had the
same header, footer, navigation bar, and other parts that were the same
for each page.  If I wanted to change the footer or add a new page to
the navigation bar, I just changed the script file that was being
called.  For the navigation bar, I passed a value of a variable to the
script telling me which page is calling the navigation bar so that page
would be highlighted in the bar.  The German language project
highlighted the page's tab in the navigation bar.  That was a nice feature.

Since the North American Community DVD project is somewhere near 95% to
99% finished for its English language DVD, I hope the
"libreofficebox.org<http://libreofficebox.org/>" site would soon have
other project's work available for download as well as their DVD.

By the way.  The "libreofficebox.org" site is in English [or at least
shown with my browser], but the download page is in German.
Yes I'll remove the download link which is a leftover from the german page.
Please do not remove that link. Just indicate that the link goes to a German language page. That is all I ask. If you do not have an English page for the link, then if you use the German language page, we have a chance to read it if we have a translation add-on to our browsers. I use Google Translations, but wish I could find a better one for viewing and reading non-English language pages.
Is the "http://libreofficebox.org/projects/"; page where you will be
listing the different projects?

As I said, our project is near completion and would be nice to list it
there, if possible. URL project's URL is the following:

http://libreoffice-na.us/  which is our temporary root index page for
the web page version, and not for the DVD.  It will be a forwarding
page/script to the English index page until the DVD contains adds the
French and Spanish translation [and content] to the DVD.
Ok I'll add the URL to the page.

Thanks a bunch. We are working our . . . "fingers" . . . off trying to finish it a quickly as possible to be of use to the English events happening over the next month or so.

Would the BrOffice "project"/site be listed on your /projects/ page? I see they are listed in the section of the LibreOffice.org/download/ page.

     Other way to download LibreOffice, the productivity suite
> 3.3.1
> Windows

http://libreoffice-na.us/English/index.html for directly to the English
pages, which currently is the only part available in our project.  That
set of pages started as an English translation of the German language
developmental page [3.3.0 version] of "http://de.libreofficebox.org/";
and its DVD.  Then we modified the pages and content to reflect the
needs of our regional needs and wants.  We have the 3.3.1 installs for
the help and language files in 7 languages, for all the platforms

The list currently includes the help and language files for:
English[USA], English[Great Britain], French, Spanish, Italian, Brazil
Portuguese, and Hebrew.
So the basic URL will do at time when I got you right?
The "libreoffice-na.us" URL will do fine. When we get more than English done, you will have a choice for which language pages you will go to next. Then the page will be written in the 2 or 3 languages in side-by-side columns stating the same thing in each of the displayed languages.

So the "domain name" is always a good place [URL] to start with.

Thanks again.
Sorry for this long email as a reply to yours.
;-) was a bit of a challenge... but hope to have answered your questions
in the first place,

I can get to be very "long winded" in person, but when my fingers actually work properly so I can type, I tend to type a lot more than I would if my fingers are touching the wrong keys every third or fifth letter. - See how long winded I can be for saying something simple? Having three strokes did that to my brain, both the long windedness and the finger issues.

Thanks again for your help. Would you like your "team" email address as a LibreOfficeBox contact listed on our domain's root index page? Also, would you or some other member of that team want/need FTP read/write access to the domain web folders? I think I have stated this before that for "openness" of our project to TDF/LibreOffice we want to have a few members have full access to our files. This will be needed, I think, when we start working with TDF/LibreOffice to take our project to the next goal which it complying to the "branding" issues for a web site and a DVD project.

Thanks Erich.
I just wish you guys/gals clocks were not 5 or 6 hours ahead of my clock. The email with conference call info reminded me that it would be nice to get some type of real time conversation with the TDF/LibreOffice team[s] and Steering Committee members. The team members for the North American Project are in timezones that are 5+/- to 10+/- hours behind Germany.

Tim Lungstrom
           Elmira, New York, USA, North America - USA Eastern time zone

the following was displayed when I tried the libreofficebox pages of:


the message is below the "------------"

 Website Error

     There has been an error

The website server has not been able to respond to your request.


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