Sejak kapan pemdun jadi kresten nih  ?...
-----Original Message-----
From: "pemerhatidunia" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 09:31:57 
To: <>

Ketika aku tulis di sini aku mengabarkan kebenaran ajaran Isa. Rohulqudus pasti 

Rohulqudus itu Roh Kebenaran. Ia mengajarkan kebenaran. Siapa mengajarkan 
kebenaran, ia dipakai Roh ini.

Kebenaran itu adanya di hati. Ilmunya ilmu roso, salah satu ilmu kejawen yg 
paling tinggi. Rasakan segala sesuatunya dengan batin yg jernih dan suci. Kalau 
kita MERASA damai dan bahagia dalam batin kita, itu kebenaran. Cinta itu 
kebenaran, kesetiaan itu kebenaran, kejujuran itu kebenaran, keberanian juga, 
dan masih banyak lagi hal yang kita rasakan damai dan bahagia, itu kebenaran. 

Rohulqudus itu Roh Kebenaran. Ia lintas agama, tidak hanya dalam Kristen, 
tetapi dalam Islam, Buddha dan yang lain, dimanapun ada orang mengajarkan 
kebenaran, Roh itu membantunya. 

Siapa menolak kebenaran, maka ia terus akan membohongi dirinya sendiri. Menolak 
kebenaran sama dengan tidak merasa damai. Ia tidak akan pernah tenang dalam 


--- In, "Tawangalun" <tawanga...@...> wrote:
> Coba deh Roh Kudus suruh ndatangi aku nanti saya converse opo enggak pengin 
> njajal saya.
> Shalom,
> Tawangalun.
> --- In, "pemerhatidunia" <pemerhatidunia@> wrote:
> >
> > Agama itu motivator dan pelakunya adalah bukan manusia semata, melainkan 
> > dari sesuatu yg supranatural. Berikut adalah salah satu bukti.  
> > 
> > Salah satu pertumbuhan agama yg paling tidak masuk akal saat ini  adalah 
> > pertumbuhan kristen di dunia timur. Kalau dari data di youtube dan web, 
> > kalian akan dapati bahwa pertumbuhan orang masuk kristen itu tidak masuk 
> > akal.
> > Di salah satu daerah (dari sekian daerah) di China, orang masuk Kristen itu 
> > 10-15 ribu orang PER HARI. 
> > Dan di India ada yg hingga 20 ribu orang perhari!!
> > 
> > Al Jazeera memberitakan bahwa 6 juta orang pindah masuk Kristen tiap tahun 
> > (?? kurasa lebih) di Afrika.  Itu juga tidak masuk akal mengingat berapa 
> > misionaris yg bisa mempengaruhi orang sekian banyak dalam waktu singkat. 
> > 
> > Mereka tidak dipaksa apalagi diinjili spt di televisi indonesia. 
> > 
> > Mereka menerima mujijat supranatural macam2, lalu percaya. Bukan pendetanya 
> > yg hebat, tetapi seperti ada kekuatan2 alam supranatural yg sedang bekerja 
> > di sana siang malam membuat orang percaya pada Jesus. Di banyak daerah di 
> > sana, pendetanya tidak punya cukup waktu membantu orang, bahkan untuk 
> > membaptis saja mereka tidak sanggup karena terlalu banyak.  
> > 
> > Aku yakin itu adalah kerjaan ROHULQUDUS, Rohullah yang memperlengkapi Isa 
> > AlMasih, sedang bekerja dalam hati manusia. 
> > 
> > Korea sudah terjadi. China sedang terjadi. India sedang terjadi.  
> > 
> > Tidak mungkin tidak Indonesia akan terjadi juga. 
> > 
> > Sebentar lagi, aku tahu itu akan terjadi di Indonesia. Akan turun ROH yang 
> > akan membungkus negeri ini dan mempengaruhinya demikian rupa hingga ROHANI 
> > orang2 yang tadinya kosong menjadi penuh, meluap dan membuat mereka menjadi 
> > penginjil di tempat mereka ada. Bayangkan seorang kyai kalau satu orang 
> > saja menerima pengaruh seperti itu, berubah total, lalu mengajak 
> > pengikutnya, apa tidak heboh??   
> >  
> > dan itu PASTI terjadi, mengingat gagal totalnya sistem syariat Islam di 
> > seluruh dunia, dan produk mereka para teroris yang mengamuk di seluruh 
> > dunia, seperti berita2 di bawah ini yg kita dengar SETIAP HARI. Pembom2 
> > bunuh diri itu sekarang mengarah pada masjid dan tempat2 suci... 
> >  
> > 
> >  Dozens of anti-al-Qaida militiamen killed in suicide bombings
> > Seattle Times - Ned Parker, Usama Redha - &#8206;22 minutes ago&#8206;
> > Twin suicide bombings killed scores of people. BAGHDAD — More than 50 
> > people were killed Sunday in attacks west of Baghdad, including a double 
> > suicide ...
> > Video: Raw Video: Suicide Blasts Kill Dozens in Baghdad The Associated Press
> > 48 killed in suicide bombings targeting members of Iraq's Awakening 
> > councils Washington Post
> > At least 48 dead as Iraq is rocked by suicide bombing by Sunni militia 
> > Daily Mail
> > Arirang News - AFP
> > all 1,152 news articles »
> > The Guardian
> > 
> > Afghanistan suicide bombing kills at least 3
> > Los Angeles Times - Laura King - &#8206;5 hours ago&#8206;
> > The bombing comes two days before a major international donor conference. 
> > By Laura King, Los Angeles Times Amid sharply heightened security before a 
> > major ...
> > Video: Raw Video: Suicide Bomber Strikes Kabul The Associated Press
> > Suicide bomb in Afghan capital kills 3 civilians The Associated Press
> > 3 Killed In Suicide Bombing In Kabul RTT News
> > Washington Post - 9&10 News
> > all 1,304 news articles »
> > The Guardian
> > 
> > Police confirm suicide attackers in Uganda bombing
> > The Associated Press - &#8206;12 hours ago&#8206;
> > KAMPALA, Uganda — Uganda's police chief says there is more evidence that 
> > two suicide bombers had carried out the bomb attacks that killed 76 people 
> > ...
> > Uganda releases photos of Kampala bombers CNN International
> > Worldwide Alert Issued to Identify Kampala Suicide Bombers Voice of America
> > Our New Life, in Blood and Color New York Times
> > Nigeria Daily Independent - East African
> > all 1,118 news articles »
> > The Guardian
> > Kin of Lockerbie bombing victims bash Scots for releasing Abdelbaset al ...
> > New York Daily News - Helen Kennedy - &#8206;19 hours ago&#8206;
> > The family members of the Lockerbie bombing victims are angry at scotland 
> > for the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi last year. ...
> > Investigation on B.P. WJHG-TV
> > BP, Lockerbie and Libya Wall Street Journal
> > Fresh call for Lockerbie inquiry BBC News
> > Daily Mail
> > all 2,081 news articles »
> > BP
> >
> > 
> > Suicide bombing at Sargodha imambargah injures 15
> > Daily Times - &#8206;5 hours ago&#8206;
> > "Fifteen people were injured in the bomb blast and they were moved to a 
> > hospital in our ambulances," rescue service official Mohammad Shakeel told 
> > AFP. ...
> > Suicide bombing at Pakistani mosque wounds 8 The Associated Press
> > 12 injured in suicide blast at Pakistan mosque CNN International
> > Suicide bomber strikes Pakistan mosque: police AFP
> > The Express Tribune
> > all 181 news articles »
> > Globe and Mail
> > Cartel ramps up drug war with car bomb
> > Chicago Sun-Times - &#8206;19 hours ago&#8206;
> > AP CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico -- The first successful car bombing by a drug 
> > cartel brings a new dimension of terror to a Mexican border region already 
> > shocked by ...
> > Video: Mexican policeman escaping drug violence denied Canada refuge Al 
> > Jazeera
> > Car bomb marks new, bloody phase in Mexico's war with drug gangs New York 
> > Daily News
> > Mexico cartel kills four in car bombing Los Angeles Times
> >
> > all 1,120 news articles »
> > Kansas City Star
> > Thousands Attend Funerals for Iran Bombing Victims
> > Voice of America - &#8206;Jul 17, 2010&#8206;
> > Photo: AP The victims of twin suicide bombings in Iran have been laid to 
> > rest, mourned by thousands of people at funeral rites Saturday in the 
> > southeastern ...
> > Video: Iran Blames US for Deadly Mosque Bombing The Associated Press
> > Iran Guards warn U.S. of "fallout" over bomb attack Reuters
> > Toll Rises From Twin Suicide Bombings at Iranian Mosque New York Times
> > RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty - Hindustan Times
> > all 1,870 news articles »
> > Iran to file complaint over mosque attack
> > The Associated Press - &#8206;9 hours ago&#8206;
> > TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday Iran will 
> > file a complaint to international bodies over the deadly mosque bombing by 
> > an ...
> > CBS News
> > Pakistan: Bombing Kills 5 in Swat Valley
> > New York Times - &#8206;Jul 15, 2010&#8206;
> > By AP A bombing near a bus terminal in Mingora, the main town in the Swat 
> > Valley, killed five people and wounded at least 58 on Thursday, officials 
> > said. ...
> > Pakistan bombing kills 5, wounds 58 Boston Globe
> > Suicide Bombing Kills Five in Northwest Pakistan NTDTV
> > Four killed, 44 wounded in bombing at bus stand in Pakistan The Hindu
> > Reuters UK - TODAYonline
> > all 545 news articles »
> > The Guardian
> > Ugandan Leader Vows Revenge for Kampala Bombings
> > Voice of America - Peter Heinlein - &#8206;Jul 15, 2010&#8206;
> > Photo: AP Uganda President Yoweri Museveni has vowed to retaliate against 
> > the Somali Islamic extremist group that took responsibility for the bomb 
> > attacks ...
> > Islamic militant group al-Shabab claims Uganda bombing attacks Washington 
> > Post
> > Video of Uganda Bombing Aftermath New York Times (blog)
> > Obama offers condolences to Uganda bombing victims -- and FBI help USA Today
> > ABC News (blog) - CNN Internatio
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The failed State and terrorism (1)            Send to a friend
> > Saturday, 17 July 2010 13:24
> > 0diggsdigg
> > By Evarist Kagaruki
> > The bomb blasts in Kampala last Sunday, which killed more than 70 people 
> > and seriously injured many others, has been widely condemned around the 
> > world. 
> > 
> > This is as it should be since terrorism, in all its manifestations, is a 
> > scourge that threatens humanity; it takes away the lives of innocent people 
> > (like those that were bombed while watching the World Cup finals), 
> > including children. It is something that no sane person can condone.
> > 
> > The Kampala horrible incident for which the Somali Islamist insurgent 
> > group, Al-Shabaab, has claimed responsibility (they say it was in 
> > retaliation for the presence of Ugandan troops in Somalia), evokes very sad 
> > memories of the simultaneous Al-Qaeda-directed US Embassy explosions in 
> > Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998. 
> > It is also a shrewd reminder that our borders are still permeable by 
> > terrorists; and that our region is still a target for terrorist attacks. 
> > For this reason, East Africans need to be on the alert, always conscious 
> > that the region remains insecure as long as Somalia continues to be under 
> > the rule of the gun with no prospects for peace and stability in sight. 
> > 
> > There is a need for the people of this region to be vigilant to ensure the 
> > security of not only their borders but also their homelands.
> > 
> > The Al-Shabaab terrorist attack could not have been more ill-timed. It 
> > occurred at a time when Africans were in a frenzy, celebrating the historic 
> > success of the World Cup which was held for the first time on the African 
> > soil. 
> > 
> > It was also during the finals of the world's most prestigious and popular 
> > event which, this time round, had been the African pride, especially 
> > because of the incredible way in which it was organised by the South 
> > Africans. 
> > 
> > Second, the attack came as Uganda was putting final touches on the 
> > preparations for the AU summit and a continental youth conference on the 
> > sidelines of the main event. 
> > 
> > Certainly, the aim of the terrorists was to disrupt these preparations by 
> > intimidating the hosts as well as the guests. Besides, the bombings 
> > happened just about two weeks after the meeting of East African defence 
> > chiefs on the Somali issue: they discussed the question of deploying an 
> > additional 2,000 troops to bring the AMISOM force level for Mogadishu to 
> > 8,100 peacekeepers (read: peace-enforcers, as there is no peace to keep in 
> > Somalia); it was also about a week after leaders of the regional grouping 
> > Igad had met in Addis Ababa to deliberate on the continuing political 
> > instability in the war-torn country. 
> > 
> > So, the Islamists must have been under intense psychological pressure when 
> > they decided to descend on Kampala with bombs.
> > 
> > But while the world has expressed shock and sadness at, as well as 
> > condemnation of, the terrorist attack on innocent Ugandan civilians, it 
> > should be pointed out that the international community, and more 
> > specifically the UN, bears responsibility for the Ugandan tragedy because 
> > it has neglected Somalia. 
> > 
> > The country has, since the overthrow of dictator Mohammed Siyad Barre in 
> > January 1991, been without a functioning government; it is beleaguered by 
> > civil war that has persisted for two decades without any serious efforts on 
> > the part of the world body to bring it to an end. Yet, Somalia, though 
> > stateless, is a member of the organisation.
> > 
> > Of course a few attempts have been made towards addressing the Somali 
> > question, but without success. The failure surprises no one because the 
> > initiatives were rather erratic, and were based on a wrong political 
> > approach; wrong in several ways but the most prominent one being the 
> > seemingly agreed policy in the West, shared by some of Somalia's neighbours 
> > (particularly Ethiopia), that a radical Islamist Somalia was not 
> > acceptable. 
> > 
> > The Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) cobbled in Nairobi in 2004 
> > (with the help of Igad and US support) was conceived on the basis of that 
> > "principle"; its set up was designed to bring together warlords who had, 
> > since the ouster of Barre, been competing for the control of Mogadishu to 
> > share power, to the exclusion of "extremist" Islamic elements who also want 
> > a slice of the "political cake" in Somalia. 
> > 
> > The consequence of this kind of power configuration has been the upsurge in 
> > Islamist insurgency, terrorism and piracy. 
> > 
> > Add this page to your favorite Social Bookmarking websites
> >

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