aelo NGOMONG jelas2 nabi merampok ! Jadi ada sejarahnya ? Ada Bujti2nya > Ada 
dukungan apa ? atau kau me;ihay sendiri !?

--- In, item abu <itemabu@...> wrote:
> Emangnya, apa kapasitas lu buat bisa ngejelasin? Lu ga pake Quran, hadis dan 
> tafsir sama sekali koq.
> Udah jelas tuh nabi lu ngerampok dan ngebunuh, cuma orang Islam aja yg terus 
> muter2 lidah ga mau ngaku. 
> Lu ini jg muter2 lidah ga mau ngaku sodara seiman lu ngefitnah di milis ini, 
> padahal jelas2 ngefitnah. Kalo lu ini punya otak, hrsnya lu ini mikir ttg 
> diri lu sendiri yg ga mau ngaku sodara seiman lu ngefitnah. Kasus sejelas ini 
> aja lu ga mau ngaku, lalu gimana lu bisa ngaku ttg kasus yg lebih besar?
> >________________________________
> >From: Abbas <abas_amin08@...>
> >To:
> >Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:42 AM
> >Subject: [proletar] Re: Indonesian Government Slams Beheading in Saudi Arabia
> >
> >
> >  
> >Kamu itu goblok ! Tuli atau pura2 gak ngelihat sih !? Kan udah dijelasin 
> >NABI MUHAMMAD sama sekali tidak MERAMPOK ! kalau kau tetap tuduh itu ! Itu 
> >artinya FITNAH ! Dan tuduhan sepihak !!! Dan memang pengikut ATHEIS rata2 
> >tukang FITNAH !
> >Terutama pembenci Islam !
> >
> >--- In, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hehehe.... orang yg benar2 Islam itu kerjanya ngerampok dan ngebunuh, nabi 
> >> itu 
> >> kan orang Islam 100%. Tp si nabi Islam itu kerjanya ngerampok dan ngebunuh.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ________________________________
> >> From: Abbas <abas_amin08@>
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Tue, June 21, 2011 2:18:22 PM
> >> Subject: [proletar] Re: Indonesian Government Slams Beheading in Saudi 
> >> Arabia
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Ah ! Jangan BUTA kamu item abu ! orang beragama bukan Islam doang ! Malah 
> >> yang 
> >> Atheispun ada ! Justru kalau benar2 Islamnya tak kan mau korupsi ! jadi 
> >> orang 
> >> yang sudah keluar dari Islamlah yang banyak melakukan penyelewengan itu !
> >> 
> >> --- In, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Yg dpt duit dr tkw itu orang Islam, goblok. Emangnya lu pikir biro 
> >> > tenaga kerja 
> >> >
> >> > pengirim tkw itu punya non Islam?
> >> > 
> >> > Jg semua biro haji/umroh itu milik orang Islam. Yg dpt duit itu jg dep 
> >> > agama yg 
> >> >
> >> > Islam, bukan non Islam.
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > ________________________________
> >> > From: Abbas <abas_amin08@>
> >> > To:
> >> > Sent: Mon, June 20, 2011 10:01:16 AM
> >> > Subject: [proletar] Re: Indonesian Government Slams Beheading in Saudi 
> >> > Arabia
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > TKW bukan urusan ISLAM tapu urusan NKRI ! Kenapa enak bener kau semuanya 
> >> > ditimpakan ke ISLAM !?
> >> > Makanya jelas pengikut DAWKINS adalah semuanya TUKANG FITNAH ! Karena 
> >> > BENCI 
> >> > ISLAM bukan karena HAM TAIK Kucing yang mereka gembar gemborkan !! 
> >> > Memang 
> >> > Bangsat tyuh anti islam; memang mereka zalim, kejam, sadis, penuh 
> >> > fitnah, Buas 
> >> 
> >> > dan brutal !
> >> > 
> >> > --- In, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > Orang Islam gelisahnya itu cuma krn 2 hal, pertama kalo tkw ga boleh 
> >> > > dikirim 
> >> 
> >> > > lagi ke negara Arab, maka orang Islam ga dpt duit lagi hasil malakin 
> >> > > tkw baik 
> >> >
> >> > >yg 
> >> > >
> >> > > mau pergi maupun yg pulang. 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Kedua, kalo Indonesia ngeributin tkw, bisa2 Indonesia dilarang ngirim 
> >> >kontingen 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > haji/umrohnya shg orang Indonesa ga bisa ngecium batu memek item,  ga 
> >> > > bisa 
> >> > >lari2 
> >> > >
> >> > > anjing dr satu batu ke batu lain dan ga bisa nimpuk2in batu dgn batu. 
> >> > > Kan 
> >> >rugi 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > > besar tuh ga bisa nyiumin batu.
> >> > > 
> >> > > Jadi wajib deh ngejilatin pantat Arab sampe licin mengkilat spy 
> >> > > terjamin bisa 
> >> >
> >> > > ngeciumin batu memek item.
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > ________________________________
> >> > > From: bukan.pedanda <bukan.pedanda@>
> >> > > To:
> >> > > Sent: Mon, June 20, 2011 2:55:45 AM
> >> > > Subject: [proletar] Re: Indonesian Government Slams Beheading in Saudi 
> >> Arabia
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Dan ada berapa orang Islam yang dungu-dungu kayak anjing disini yang 
> >> > >menunjukkan 
> >> > >
> >> > > kegelisahannya membaca berita ini?
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > --- In, "sunny" <ambon@> wrote:
> >> > > >
> >> > > > Refleksi : Bagus sekali ada yang akan mau protes terhadap pancungan 
> >> > > > kepala 
> >> 
> >> > >TKW 
> >> > >
> >> > > >di Arab Saudia, tetapi apakah tidak terlambat untuk ada gunanya? Ke 
> >> > > >mana 
> >> >saja 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > > >MUI?
> >> > > > 
> >> >>>
> >> >6
> >> > >6
> >> > > >6
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Indonesian Government Slams Beheading in Saudi Arabia
> >> > > > Ismira Lutfia & Markus Junianto Sihaloho | June 20, 2011
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > The government says it will issue a formal protest over the 
> >> > > > execution in 
> >> > >Saudi 
> >> > >
> >> > > >Arabia of an Indonesian migrant worker convicted of murder, arguing 
> >> > > >that it 
> >> 
> >> > >had 
> >> > >
> >> > > >been in the middle of seeking clemency for her when she was executed.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Ruyati Binti Sapubi, a migrant worker from Bekasi, was beheaded by 
> >> > > > sword in 
> >> >
> >> > >the 
> >> > >
> >> > > >western province of Mecca on Saturday for murdering her female 
> >> > > >employer, 
> >> > > >stabbing her repeatedly in the head and neck with a kitchen knife in 
> >> > > >January 
> >> >
> >> > > >2010.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Didi Wahjudi, a representative from the Indonesian consulate in 
> >> > > > Jeddah, 
> >> >Saudi 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >Arabia, said neither the consulate nor the embassy in Riyadh had been 
> >> >informed 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >about the execution.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > He said the consulate only learned of it through media reports as 
> >> > > > well as 
> >> > >from 
> >> > >
> >> > > >members of the Indonesian community in the country.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > "We were actually in the middle of seeking clemency on behalf of the 
> >> >victim's 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >family and were conducting other non-litigation efforts," he said.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > "We are not happy that the execution happened without us being 
> >> > > > notified."
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Despite two diplomatic notes asking for consular access to Ruyati, 
> >> > > > Didi 
> >> >said 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > > >Saudi authorities kept the embassy out of the loop during her trial.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > He said Indonesian officials had also tried to meet with her when 
> >> > > > she 
> >> > >appeared 
> >> > >
> >> > > >in court.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > However, he said Ruyati had pleaded guilty to the murder and such 
> >> > > > crimes 
> >> >were 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >punishable by death in Saudi Arabia.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Meanwhile, the government on Sunday said it condemned the execution 
> >> > > > and 
> >> >would 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >formally censure Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Indonesia, saying the 
> >> > > >Saudi 
> >> > > >authorities had not allowed it to provide Ruyati with proper consular 
> >> > > >assistance.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > "Without disregard to the governing laws in Saudi Arabia, the 
> >> > > > Indonesian 
> >> > > >government condemns the execution that was carried out without 
> >> > > >upholding the 
> >> >
> >> > > >international practice in relation to providing consular protection," 
> >> >Foreign 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > > >Ministry spokesman Michael Tene said.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > A ministry press release said the Saudi Arabian ambassador would be 
> >> > >officially 
> >> > >
> >> > > >summoned so the government could present its case, while the 
> >> > > >Indonesian 
> >> > > >ambassador in Riyadh would be recalled to Jakarta "for consultation."
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Ruyati's daughter, identified only as Evi, told radio station El 
> >> > > > Shinta 
> >> >that 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > > >her mother's placement agency had falsified her age, cutting it from 
> >> > > >54 to 
> >> >35, 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >so she could qualify to work abroad.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Separately, Hikmahanto Juwana, an international law expert at 
> >> > > > University of 
> >> >
> >> > > >Indonesia, called for a halt to migrant workers being sent to Saudi 
> >> > > >Arabia.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > "The withdrawal is necessary to voice the Indonesian government's 
> >> > > > objection 
> >> >
> >> > >to 
> >> > >
> >> > > >the beheading, and the government is entitled to demand an 
> >> > > >explanation from 
> >> 
> >> > >the 
> >> > >
> >> > > >Saudi authorities about why they failed to inform the embassy there," 
> >> > > >he 
> >> >told 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > > >the Jakarta Globe.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > He said more pressure should also be exerted on Riyadh to take firm 
> >> > > > legal 
> >> > > >action against abusive Saudi employers. "Migrant workers do not go 
> >> > > >abroad to 
> >> >
> >> > > >commit crimes," he said. "If they do commit a crime, it must be 
> >> > > >because of 
> >> >the 
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > >violent treatment they get from their employers."
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > Tjahjo Kumolo, from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle 
> >> > > > (PDI-P), 
> >> > >called 
> >> > >
> >> > > >for the ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Gatot Abdullah Mansyur, to be 
> >> > > >fired over 
> >> >
> >> > >the 
> >> > >
> >> > > >mishandling of the case.
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > "The Foreign Ministry said they did not know about Ruyati's case," 
> >> > > > he said. 
> >> >
> >> > >"So 
> >> > >
> >> > > >what is the ambassador doing there? The ambassador must be dismissed."
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> > > >
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> > >
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> >
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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