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--- In, "pemerhatidunia" <pemerhatidunia@...> wrote:
> 11:32 PM
> U.S.-born editor of al-Qaeda's "Inspire" reportedly expires in same airstrike 
> that killed al-Awlaki - A bad day for the Usual Gang of Idiots who incited 
> and instructed prospective jihadist murderers. This, too, is likely to be 
> painted as a petty political "assassination" by an annoyed government, e...
> 11:02 PM
> Hamas-linked CAIR "concerned" over killing of jihad mastermind al-Awlaki - 
> This just went out in the "American Muslim News Briefs" email from the 
> Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): CAIR: Al-Awlaki's 
> Calls to Violence Rejected by U.S. Muslims Civil ...
> 9:29 PM
> Left-wing commentator annoyed that al-Awlaki didn't get "due process" - The 
> argument is completely immaterial. If, for example, there is an active 
> shooter in a shopping center, school, or neighborhood, he is a clear and 
> present danger to others, and the focus is on sto...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Al-Awlaki the dead terrorist - At last, silence from al-Awlaki A desperately 
> evil man who was linked to the 9/11 attacks (he was "spiritual adviser" to a 
> couple of the hijackers) as well as to the Fort Hood jihad murder, the Chr...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Spencer and Horowitz in National Review: The term "Islamophobia" is designed 
> to create a modern-day thought crime - In "A Rational Fear of Islamism" in 
> National Review today, David Horowitz and I discuss "Islamophobia," showing 
> that not all fears are irrational, nor criticism unwarranted. In recent 
> months, sever...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Geller: Victory for truth and free speech over Islamic supremacism - A 
> CAIR-linked lawyer fails in his attempt to punish and marginalize a 
> truth-teller. "Victory for Truth and Free Speech Over Islamic Supremacism," 
> by Pamela Geller in Human Events today: A years-lon...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Iranian pastor and apostate from Islam refuses for a fourth time to renounce 
> Christianity to avoid death penalty - Youcef Nadarkhani could be executed at 
> any time. An update on this story. "Iranian Pastor Sentenced to Death: 
> Nadarkhani Refuses to Convert," from International Business Times, September 
> 29 (thanks...
> Sep 30, 2011
> U.K.: Seventh Misunderstander of Islam charged with supporting suicide attack 
> plot - His name is Mujahid. It looks like he grew into his name. An update on 
> this story. "Birmingham terror arrests: Seventh man faces charges," from BBC 
> News, September 29: A seventh man is to face char...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Up to 20,000 anti-aircraft missiles stolen in Libya - The Great Libyan 
> Jihadist Garage Sale continues. Of all things, a Human Rights Watch official 
> below is reportedly miffed at Obama's decision not to put ground troops into 
> Libya, blaming it for allo...
> Sep 30, 2011
> "Christians are not permitted to react. The only alternative to escape is to 
> suffer these abuses in silence" at the hands of Mindanao's Islamic 
> supremacists - You'll never guess why the churches are now constant guard. 
> "Christians dispossessed and silenced in Mindanao," from Asia News, September 
> 29: Manila (AsiaNews) - In Jolo, Marawi, Basilan and other ...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Syria: Fearing Sharia rule, Christians back Assad - For all his many faults, 
> Assad doesn't rule strictly by Sharia. Thus Christians, although they do not 
> have equal rights, live better than they do in Sharia regimes. "Fearing 
> Change, Many Christians...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Nigerian jihadists reject talks with government: "We still maintain our cause 
> of ensuring strict implementation of Islamic law in Nigeria and waging war 
> against infidels" - The Nigerian government shouldn't be negotiating with 
> these mass-murdering jihadist thugs in the first place. But where are all the 
> moderate Muslim spokesmen to explain to Boko Haram that they're M...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Germany mulling surveillance of "Islamophobes" - There was a jihad murder in 
> Frankfurt last March. The jihadist murderer was inspired by a jihadist rapper 
> in Germany. They've seen Islamic honor killing. In response, German 
> authorities are steppin...
> Sep 30, 2011
> Tancredo on the Perry curriculum: Perry's Muslim blind spot - Amid the Perry 
> camp's patent dishonesty over what exactly the content of the curriculum 
> really is, and brusque dismissal and ad hominem attacks against those who 
> dare to raise questions about it, i...
> Sep 29, 2011
> American Library Association recommends reading Qur'an for "Banned Books 
> Week" - The American Library Association is a foremost bastion of Useful 
> Idiots who talk a good game about censorship and the dangers of book banning, 
> but are led by their political biases into inconsisten...
> Sep 29, 2011
> "Massachusetts musician" in Pentagon and Capitol jihad plot tried to buy 25 
> pounds of explosives, 3 grenades, 6 assault rifles - What "radicalized" this 
> guy, one too many drummer jokes? This case is yet another successful FBI 
> sting, which has been a highly effective tool for steering jihadists intent 
> on murder into a control...
> Sep 29, 2011
> Saudi king overrules sentence of lashes for woman who drove - A one-time 
> overruling is not reform. Authorities still have the punishment to inflict if 
> and when they see fit. Outrage spread quickly over this sentence, and surely 
> influenced the outcome, but ano...
> Sep 29, 2011
> U.S. confronted Pakistan with evidence of ISI-Haqqani links before going 
> public - Even so, Pakistan has "decided not to take action against the 
> Haqqani network for the time being." "US confronts Pak with proof of ISI's 
> terror link," from the Press Trust of India, September 28 (t...
> Sep 29, 2011
> Experts dismiss Iran's threat to deploy ships near U.S. waters as "bombastic 
> rhetoric" - Someone overreached a bit in the saber-rattling. The cost, 
> logistics, and the capability that would be required are simply too much. 
> That said, analysts did note that Iran's chances, if it were tha...
> Sep 29, 2011
> Al-Qaeda to Iran on 9/11 conspiracy theories: Hey, quit it! - The "Usual Gang 
> of Idiots" continues to write new material for al-Qaeda's mad magazine, 
> Inspire, which sounds less like a jihadist tract and more like a bargain 
> brand from the toiletries aisle. In ...
> Sep 29, 2011
> Massachusetts: Misunderstander of Islam arrested for jihad plot to destroy 
> Pentagon, Capitol building - What is it that "radicalizes" a "26-year-old 
> Massachusetts man" like Rezwan Ferdaus? Reading about the exploits of Sam 
> Adams and the Sons of Liberty? A rough game of touch football with Jack, 
> Bobby...
> Sep 29, 2011
> L'shana tova! - Wishing a happy and sweet new year to all Jewish Jihad 
> Watchers, and to all Jihad Watchers of whatever background who are friends of 
> Israel. Israel is, now more than ever, on the front lines of the...
> Sep 29, 2011
> Australia: Misunderstanders of Islam arrested in stolen car with rifles, 
> handguns, balaclavas - Milad bin Ahmad-Shah al-Ahmadzai was arrested on 
> charges that he broke into a cash machine. See, if Australia would just be 
> more generous with the jizya, this poor chap would never have been "radic...
> Sep 29, 2011
> Raymond Ibrahim: Running for Their Lives - Historically, non-Muslims whose 
> lands were seized by the jihad had three choices: conversion, dhimmitude, or 
> death. Today, however, they have a fourth option largely unavailable to their 
> forbears: ...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Islamic charity leader and "an outspoken proponent of the peaceful aspects of 
> Islam" gets almost 3 years in jail for funneling money believed to fund 
> Chechen jihad - Prosecutors had said Pete Seda was "well aware" the money was 
> helping to fund Chechen jihadists, and the judge agreed. "Islamic charity 
> leader sentenced to nearly 3 years," by Jeff Barnard for the ...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Norway: Three Muslims charged in plot against Motoons paper; they had 
> "acquired bomb components and tried to buy a gun" - A society that accepts 
> death as retribution for cartoons is morally, intellectually and ultimately 
> materially impoverished. That is what is at stake in upholding freedom of 
> speech against violent i...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Iranian court upholds apostasy conviction and death sentence for convert from 
> Islam to Christianity - International pressure got the hikers freed; theirs 
> was a fashionable cause in the mainstream press and among prominent left-wing 
> figures. Would Hugo Chavez, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Cindy Sheehan,...
> Sep 28, 2011
> AFDI/SIOA files free speech lawsuit against New York City's MTA - We have 
> filed suit against the MTA for refusing to run our pro-Israel ads. Here is a 
> section from the suit, and Pamela Geller has much more here: Plaintiffs 
> American Freedom Defense Initiative (her...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Pamela Geller on the Sean Hannity Show: Israel, the UN and the jihad against 
> the Jews - Pamela Geller was on Hannity last Friday discussing the latest 
> front of the Palestinian jihad against Israel: the United Nations. It is 
> refreshing to see some common sense on the airwaves. Get the ...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Turkey supports the jihad in the North Caucasus - Although Turkey is a NATO 
> member, she has always supported the jihad in the North Caucasus. The Turks 
> have never openly supported the jihad, but always tried to use the jihad and 
> jihadis for their ...
> Sep 28, 2011
> The Islamization of the Australian passport - On the Australian passport, 
> only Muslims are allowed to cover facial features. Only religious reasons are 
> acceptable excuses for covering hair, ears and facial contours. And only 
> Islam has such rel...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Islam -- A (Jewish-) Christian Sect? (Part 2) - Islam -- A (Jewish-) 
> Christian Sect? (Part 2) A short history-of-dogma examination By Peter Bruns 
> Translated by Anonymous Translation edited by Ibn Warraq Part 1 Until the 
> middle of the previous ce...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Pakistan tied to "complex, calculated assault" on Americans on Afghan border 
> in 2007 - "Even at the time it was seen as a turning point by officials 
> managing day-to-day relations with Pakistan," but attack was "glossed over" 
> to maintain the relationship with Islamabad. A fine lot of ...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Iran threatens to deploy warships near U.S. waters - The threatened 
> deployment would be an expensive spectacle to attempt to make a point. 
> Whether they go through with it is another matter altogether: talk, after 
> all, is cheap. "Iran says could deplo...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Spain arrests 5 Muslims accused of financing jihadist attacks in connection 
> with al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - In August, France's top counter-terror 
> judge opined: "It's been shown that AQIM is only able to strike in its own 
> zone, by wanting to kill tourists — and we have seen nothing emerge as a 
> significan...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Pakistan: Schoolgirl accused of blasphemy over spelling mistake denounced in 
> Friday sermons as part of "conspiracy" against Islam - An update on this 
> story. This report explains and translates the exact misspelling, and also 
> sets her age as several years younger. Whatever her age, the uproar this 
> supposed offense has caused amo...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Amnesty International accuses Thai jihadists of war crimes - Beyond the 
> imposition of Islamic law, which is the fundamental aim of jihad in all of 
> its forms, the next strikingly common trait among jihadist groups is the 
> utter lack of concern for civilian cas...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Saudi woman to be lashed for driving - But hey, it's not all bad: they can 
> vote for Islamic Supremacist #1 or Islamic Supremacist #2! "Saudi woman to be 
> lashed for driving car," from the Telegraph, September 28 (thanks to E.): A 
> Saudi w...
> Sep 28, 2011
> Herman Cain's multiple personalities - Presidential candidate Herman Cain won 
> the Florida Straw Poll the other day, and my only question is, Which Herman 
> Cain won it? Was it the Herman Cain who, as Pamela Geller reported yesterday, 
> prom...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Pakistan "has decided not to take action against the Haqqani network for the 
> time being" - "We are not in a position to undertake an operation at this 
> point." Great. When will you be in control of your country again so we can 
> pencil that in on our calendar? More on this story. "Officials...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Malaysian Muslim party: 'Hudud law is nothing for you infidels to worry 
> about' - The Malaysian Muslim political party known as PAS is going out of 
> its way to reassure everyone -- nervous non Muslims especially -- that its 
> plans for the eventual implementation of hudud law in Ma...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Spencer: Useful Idiots' Stockholm Syndrome - These particular useful idiots 
> are the hikers that Iran just freed from captivity. My column in FrontPage 
> this morning: Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, the leftist American hikers who 
> unwittingly vent...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Spencer: A Palestinian State Will Not Bring Peace - It isn't even really 
> intended to bring peace. My Human Events column this morning: Millions around 
> the world believe that when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas 
> submitted an application...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Islam -- A (Jewish-) Christian Sect? (Part I) - Islam -- A (Jewish-) 
> Christian Sect? A short history-of-dogma examination By Peter Bruns 
> Translated by Anonymous Translation edited by Ibn Warraq The question of 
> whether it is allowable to even inq...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Turkey's list of Israeli military personnel involved in flotilla raid 
> reportedly a sham - Earlier, Turkey had threatened to attempt to prosecute 
> the personnel on this list for "torture and premeditated murder." They have 
> been caught in a bluff, having claimed they got their information ...
> Sep 27, 2011
> U.K.: Six Muslims accused of plotting jihadist suicide attack; two trained in 
> Pakistan and made "martyrdom videos" - More about the seriousness of this 
> case continues to emerge, in an update on this story. "Six remanded over 
> 'suicide bomb plot'," from BBC News, September 26: Six men have appeared in 
> court charged...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Al Jazeera journalist admits to being Hamas operative - Samer Allawi "offered 
> to use his position as a reporter to promote Hamas interests," and "traveled 
> to Qatar and met with additional Al Jazeera reporters, who the Shin Bet said 
> were Hamas operatives...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Gratitude: Libya's National Transitional Council declares Lockerbie case 
> closed, will not release evidence that could lead to others being charged - 
> This is the same NTC which refused to extradite Megrahi, who took a timely 
> turn for the worse by the end of August as Tripoli fell, at which time he was 
> said to be "comatose and near death." These ...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Afghan jihadist employed by CIA murders American at Kabul CIA office - As I 
> have said many times in the context of many similar incidents in Iraq and 
> Afghanistan, there is no reliable way to distinguish a peaceful Muslim from a 
> jihadist. This is yet more fruit of the ...
> Sep 27, 2011
> Raymond Ibrahim: When Muslims Are More `Radical' than Islamists - Earlier on 
> PJM (via I discussed some of the differences -- and 
> similarities -- between Muslims and "Islamists":What are the differences 
> between the traditional Muslim and the so...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Sharif El-Gamal, the man behind the Islamic supremacist Ground Zero Mosque, 
> has an extensive criminal past - The other night I watched a British 
> documentary about the Ground Zero mosque controversy (for which I was 
> interviewed, and in which I appear) that portrayed Sharif El-Gamal as a 
> good-hearted schlub...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Ibn Warraq: Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam and the Koran - 
> Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam and the Koran by Ibn Warraq 
> Professor Peter Bruns of the Otto-Friedrich-Universität (Bamberg, Germany), 
> provides a very useful, critical survey of recen...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Pakistan: 50 Islamic scholars issue fatwa for jihad against U.S., order 
> Muslims to stop calling America a "super power" - The term "aggression" used 
> in the fatwa is vague, and likely to be deliberately so: all hell can break 
> loose at a time and place of their choosing. "Fatwa for Jihad against 
> America," from The Natio...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Leftist Useful Idiots rally around Islamic supremacist thugs who shouted down 
> Israeli ambassador - Leftists have a taste for authoritarianism. Every time 
> the hard Left has been in power, the freedom of speech is destroyed. Thus it 
> is not surprising that these Leftist Useful Idiots would be idoli...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Pakistan rally: "Shut up, America!" - Our friend and ally Pakistan is holding 
> anti-American rallies. From Reuters (thanks to Maxwell): Girls hold placards 
> while standing on a U.S. flag during an anti-U.S. rally in Hyderabad, 
> Pakistan, ...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Red Cross abets jihad, hides Hamas jihadist in Jerusalem office - For this, 
> international authorities ought to condemn the Red Cross. But they won't. 
> "Israel arrests Hamas lawmaker in Jerusalem," by Daniella Cheslow for the 
> Associated Press, September 26 (thanks ...
> Sep 26, 2011
> Spencer: Women Can Vote in Saudi Arabia – So What? - In FrontPage this 
> morning I discuss the big news for women's rights out of the Kingdom of the 
> Two Holy Places: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has announced that women will 
> have the right to vote in ...
> Sep 26, 2011
> U.K.: Failed 7/21 jihadist of "highest possible risk to the public" is 
> already out of jail, but can't be deported - He helped fellow jihadists who 
> were going to kill themselves in an act of murder. He seems to be just a bit 
> selective about how and when he cares about "human rights" and personal 
> safety, and that ...
> Sep 26, 2011
> U.K.: Six Muslims charged with "terrorism offenses," including a "suspected 
> suicide bombing campaign" - An update on this story. "Six charged with 
> terrorism offences," from BBC News, September 25: Six men have been charged 
> with terrorism offences, including a suspected suicide bombing campaign, West 
> ...
> Sep 26, 2011


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