Saya juga kasian sama anjing tua yang kaing kaing gak penting 


-----Original Message-----
From: "Bukan Pedanda" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 10:39:34 
To: <>
Subject: [proletar] Re: Living in the Lucky ( "Roman Proteus" yang nggak 

Kasihan saya melihat "Roman Proteus" yang jadi sedeng begini karena menurutkan 
ajaran taik onta islam itu.

Betul-betul kasihan saya melihatnya.

--- In, "Roman Proteus" <pt_kasoet@...> wrote:
> Just pig paling demen dan bahagia kalau doledekin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@...>
> Sender:
> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 06:56:17 
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: [proletar] Re: Living in the Lucky ( "Roman Proteus" yang nggak 
> waras..)
> Nggak salah lagi dah, "Roman Proteus" jelas sudah nggak waras..
> --- In, "Roman Proteus" <pt_kasoet@> wrote:
> >
> > Just Pig bangga kalau dipanggil anjing tua
> > 
> > Buktinya rajin jawab email gw
> > 
> > Ya gak Jing?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@>
> > Sender:
> > Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 05:43:24 
> > To: <>
> > Reply-To:
> > Subject: [proletar] Re: Living in the Lucky ( "Roman Proteus" yang nggak 
> > waras..)
> > 
> > 
> > Nggak salah lagi dah: "Roman Proteus" ini jelas bukan saja manusia  dungu 
> > kayak anjing, berpengetahuan dangkal kayak comberan dimusim kemarau di 
> > Jakarta tapi juga manusia sedeng..
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "Roman Proteus" <pt_kasoet@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Dasar anjing tua ke ge eran
> > > Siapa yang mau argumen sama elo?
> > > 
> > > Ge er lo
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@>
> > > Sender:
> > > Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 13:38:29 
> > > To: <>
> > > Reply-To:
> > > Subject: [proletar] Re: Living in the Lucky ( "Roman Proteus" yang nggak 
> > > waras..)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Nggak salah lagi dah..
> > > 
> > > "Roman Proteus" ini jelas udah nggak waras.
> > > 
> > > Dia bukannya membawa argumen untuk membantah apa yang saya katakan kalau 
> > > dia pikir saya salah, atau merenungkan apa yang saya katakan kalau dia 
> > > pikir apa yang saya katakan benar.
> > > 
> > > Yang menyedihkan adalah bahwa rata-rata peserta yag beragma islam disini 
> > > sama saja sedengnya dengan "Roman Proteus"  ini.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, "Roman Proteus" <pt_kasoet@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Eh
> > > > 
> > > > Ada anjing tua menggonggong
> > > > 
> > > > Kapan elo pindah ke ostrali Jing?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@>
> > > > Sender:
> > > > Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 06:22:10 
> > > > To: <>
> > > > Reply-To:
> > > > Subject: [proletar] Re: Living in the Lucky ( "Roman Proteus" yang 
> > > > nggak waras..)
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Inilah contoh cara berfikir orang berotak anjing..
> > > > 
> > > > Membaca posting orang yang hidup di Australia itu "Roman Proteus"  
> > > > bukannya berusaha berfikir, atau mengajak orang Indonesia lain untuk 
> > > > berfikir bagaimana caranya Indonesia yang dedel duwel itu bisa punya 
> > > > jaminan kesehatan  dan  jaminan sosial yang bagus seperti di Australia 
> > > > itu.
> > > >  
> > > > Nggak, berita itu dipakai "Roman Proteus"  yang berotak anjing itu  
> > > > untuk memamerkan kedangkalan pengetahuannnya dan fikiran busuknya 
> > > > sembari bilang "kayanya bentar lagi si just pig, akan hijrah ke 
> > > > australia buat nyari tunjangan gratis di sana" saya yang tidak perlu 
> > > > tunjangan karena saya menikmati pensiun yang aduhai di negeri yang 
> > > > juga, seperti Australia, punya jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan sosial 
> > > > yang aduhai.
> > > > 
> > > > Yang menyedihkana adalah bahwa orang yang berotak babi seperti   "Roman 
> > > > Proteus" ini banyak di Indonesia.. Lihat aja di mailing list ini, ada 
> > > > berapa peserta mailing list ini yang menghargai posting  orang 
> > > > Indonesia yang hidup di luar negeri dan bercerita apa yang  baik dan 
> > > > bagus diluar Indonesia yang mestinya dijadikan dorongan oleh orang 
> > > > Indonesia yang hidup di Indonesia buat memikirkan jalan untuk 
> > > > memperbaiki apa yang perlu diperbaiki di Indonesia.
> > > > 
> > > > Nggak, reaksi rata-rata orang Indonesia membaca posting seperti itu 
> > > > adalah sejenis: "Ah di Indonesia juga sebagus itu kok..".
> > > > 
> > > > Atau, seperti  "Roman Proteus" ini, posting seperti itu dipakainya 
> > > > untuk mempertontonkan isi otaknya yagn busuk.. 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, "Roman Proteus" <pt_kasoet@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Mendengar berita ini kayanya bentar lagi si just pig, akan hijrah ke 
> > > > > australia buat nyari tunjangan gratis di sana
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > > From: "Teddy S." <teddyr@>
> > > > > Sender:
> > > > > Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 17:22:11 
> > > > > To: <>
> > > > > Reply-To:
> > > > > Subject: [proletar] Re: Living in the Lucky country comes at a cost.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Berlainan dengan keadaan di AS di mana harga propertinya jatuh tajam, 
> > > > > di Australia terjadi kebalikannya. Australia menerima ratusan ribu 
> > > > > tenaga trampil tiap tahunnya yang telah terseleksi dengan baik dan 
> > > > > sekarang yang banyak datang adalah orang-orang asal RRC dan India 
> > > > > dengan sebelumnya berdasarkan statistik mayoritas yang datang adalah 
> > > > > orang-orang asal Inggris. Mereka ini akan memerlukan tempat tinggal, 
> > > > > sementara Pemerintah Australia tidak terlibat dalam pembangunan rumah 
> > > > > baru. Dengan adanya 'negative gearing' maka orang banyak bisa 
> > > > > terlibat dalam pengadaan rumah-rumah baru bahkan menjadi milyuner 
> > > > > dengan dimilikinya sedemikian banyak rumah yang disewakan.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Ada berita yang cukup menyesakan para pensiunan di mana para 
> > > > > pengungsi asal manusia perahu ditampung dalam hotel-hotel mewah di 
> > > > > Queensland dengan masing-masing orang masih menerima lagi uang saku 
> > > > > sebesar A$ 400 per minggu. Berita semacam ini tentunya akan 
> > > > > menyebabkan semakin banyaknya perahu-perahu pengungsi berdatangan.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Ibu saya memegang kartu Medicare hingga segala biaya rumah sakit 
> > > > > gratis. Beliau baru saja menyelesaikan 3 kali prosedur ERCP untuk 
> > > > > mengambil batu-batu empedu dengan tanpa membayar sedikitpun juga. 
> > > > > Yang mahal adalah biaya parkirnya yang A$ 19 setelah lewat 3 jam. 
> > > > > Dengan adanya kartu konsesi Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, maka 
> > > > > tiap resep dokter bisa ditebus dengan hanya membayar A$ 5,60 saja. 
> > > > > Disamping itu dalam beberapa tahun lagi ibu saya sudah berhak untuk 
> > > > > menerima santunan pensiun, padahal ibu saya sebelumnya tidak pernah 
> > > > > membayar pajak di Australia.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Bekas kolega saya yang lulusan IIT Roorkee menyatakan betapa 
> > > > > beruntungnya tinggal di Australia yang aman dengan anak-aank bisa 
> > > > > tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Orang ini dulunya pernah 
> > > > > bekerja pada Alcatel Jerman selama beberapa tahun.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Dalam berbagai survai posisi Australia selalu menempati 
> > > > > peringkat-peringkat terbaik, jadi tampaknya benar juga bahwa 
> > > > > Australia is the lucky country.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In, Harry Adinegara <sans_culotte_30@> 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Living in the lucky country or......are we afterall  spoilt?
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > Memang terasa saat ini apa2 ,kebutuhan se-hari2 naik, begitu juga 
> > > > > > yang aku rasakan rumah yang kami beli 17 tahunan yang lalu
> > > > > > sekarang dipasaran melonjak 3X.Properti , rumah hunian disini 
> > > > > > arealnya lebih gede ketimbang di Amerika. Wide open spaces...
> > > > > > memang aku rasakan ketimbang misalnya di Jerman (dimana aku pernah 
> > > > > > tinggal), banyak taman2 luas yang teratur rapi dan bersih,
> > > > > > ini dapat ditemui disetiap kota diAustralia.
> > > > > >  Kenaikan keperluan hidup  se-hari2 ini 
> > > > > > diakibatkan a.l.  karena nilai tukar dollar Aussie lebih tinggi 
> > > > > > dibanding dengan US $. Saat ini
> > > > > > rate-nya 1Aus$= 1.03US$, selang beberapa waktu mencapai 1A$=1.10 
> > > > > > US$. Mungkin juga nilai tukar terhadap rupiah akan naik juga.
> > > > > > Ngak salah lah, aku sering katakan Australia bak.....heaven on 
> > > > > > earth. Yang patut di banggakan yalah santunan terhadap kemaslahatan
> > > > > > rakyatnya bisa dikatakan tertinggi di dunia, social security no 1.
> > > > > > SDA Australia melimpah ruah, hasil export ini bernilai ber-billiun2 
> > > > > > dollar setahun-nya , semuanya kembali untuk merawat 
> > > > > > kemaslahatan-nya rakyat banyak,
> > > > > > bukan di tilep oleh pemimpin2nya. Pikir2 bila dibanding dengan 
> > > > > > Indonesia benua Australia itu bukan apa2-nya, SDA,SDM di Indonesia 
> > > > > > melimpah
> > > > > > ruah, tapi "berkat" mismanagement makanya  negara jadi deldel 
> > > > > > duwel, yang kaya ...tambah kaya yang miskin ....makan sekali sehari 
> > > > > > sudah dibilang mujur.
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > Harry Adinegara
> > > > > >  
> > > > > >  
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > Subject: Living in the Lucky country comes at a cost.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Living in the Lucky Country comes at a cost
> > > > > > October 19, 2011, 4:23 pm By Michael Yardney Yahoo!7
> > > > > > For me, there is no question that we are indeed a very lucky 
> > > > > > country â€" many would even suggest we are "spoilt".
> > > > > >     *  
> > > > > > Michael Yardney is a director of Metropole Property Strategists who 
> > > > > > create wealth for their clients through independent, unbiased 
> > > > > > property advice and advocacy. Michael has often been called 
> > > > > > Australia's leading expert in wealth creation through property and 
> > > > > > his opinions have been featured in major newspapers and magazines 
> > > > > > throughout Australia.Full Bio »
> > > > > > Sydney and Melbourne both now have the dubious honour as two of the 
> > > > > > top ten most expensive cities in which to live according to the 
> > > > > > Worldwide Cost of Living 2011 Survey, conducted by the Economist 
> > > > > > Magazine's Intelligence Unit (EIU.)
> > > > > > And while some media outlets are having a field day with the 
> > > > > > negative implications such as the rising cost of living, more 
> > > > > > families struggling financially, households increasingly 
> > > > > > experiencing mortgage stress and so on; others are criticising the 
> > > > > > magazine suggesting the Economist Intelligence Unit is an oxymoron 
> > > > > > and should be renamed.
> > > > > > I know I've often disagreed with some of their assessments of 
> > > > > > Australian property, but I am happy to agree with a different 
> > > > > > report, their Global Liveability Survey, which anointed Melbourne 
> > > > > > as the world's most liveable city.
> > > > > > One the best thing about winning the top spot is that Sydney must 
> > > > > > be envious only ranking 6th, with Perth and Adelaide ranking joint 
> > > > > > 8th and Brisbane lagging the other Australian capitals ranking 
> > > > > > 21st. (More from Michael Yardney: Where Are Property Prices 
> > > > > > Heading?)
> > > > > > What they were measuring
> > > > > > Back to being amongst the most expensive country to live 
> > > > > > in...firstly lets understand what they were measuring.
> > > > > > To measure the cost of living the EIU looked at "point of sale" 
> > > > > > prices for more than 160 everyday consumer items in 140 major 
> > > > > > cities around the world, and then ranked each city according to its 
> > > > > > cost of living.
> > > > > > According to this study, Sydney and Melbourne ranked sixth and 
> > > > > > seventh as the most expensive places to live, while Perth and 
> > > > > > Brisbane just failed to make top ten status, coming in at 13th and 
> > > > > > 14th place. This is in stark contrast to a decade ago, when Sydney 
> > > > > > and Melbourne were ranked as the 71st and 80th most expensive 
> > > > > > cities, and Perth was in the 91st position and Brisbane was 93rd.
> > > > > > Two major reasons
> > > > > > There are two major reasons why a city's cost-of-living index will 
> > > > > > change over time: exchange rate movements and price movement.
> > > > > > The report explains that the remarkable rise in the cost of living 
> > > > > > in Australian cities over the last decade, came at a period in 
> > > > > > which the value of the Australian dollar has moved from around 50 
> > > > > > US cents to passing parity with the US dollar.
> > > > > > Essentially, if the local currency strengthens or inflation pushes 
> > > > > > up the price of goods increase (both of which have occurred here 
> > > > > > since over the last decade), the relative cost of living will also 
> > > > > > rise. (More from Michael Yardney: Treat Your Property Investment 
> > > > > > Like A Business)
> > > > > > There's no sugar coating it
> > > > > > There's no sugar coating it...the cost of living and property 
> > > > > > prices are expensive in Australia, but for a good reason when you 
> > > > > > consider our general economic wealth, our ever expanding population 
> > > > > > and all the new development struggling to keep up with the 
> > > > > > escalating demand.
> > > > > > However rather than focusing on the prospect of paying more for the 
> > > > > > Australian way of life (which, let's face it, won't change the 
> > > > > > price of our groceries or real estate), perhaps we should take a 
> > > > > > different perspective.
> > > > > > You probably believe in the old adage - you get what you pay for 
> > > > > > â€" right?
> > > > > > The lucky country
> > > > > > So doesn't it go without saying that if you want to live in what 
> > > > > > most people perceive as "the lucky country", then you're going to 
> > > > > > have to be prepared to pay for living in the best place on the 
> > > > > > planet!
> > > > > > In other words, we need to be prepared to pay more for our higher 
> > > > > > standard of living comes at a premium. For the privilege of 
> > > > > > enjoying our relatively clean environment, low unemployment, stable 
> > > > > > economy and larger homes clustered around major coastal cities.
> > > > > > Now while we might feel a little hard done by and, on occasions, 
> > > > > > whinge about the significant increase in house prices, rents and 
> > > > > > our grocery bills, consider the residents of those countries that 
> > > > > > came in last. (More from Yahoo!7 Finance: Six Investing Rules From 
> > > > > > The World's Top Investors)
> > > > > > We are spoilt
> > > > > > Would you really like to reside in the likes of Pakistan's Karachi, 
> > > > > > the cheapest place to live and work where the cost of living is 
> > > > > > less than one-third of that of Tokyo? Or what about the infamous 
> > > > > > Indian cities of Mumbai and New Delhi, where poverty is rife and 
> > > > > > the rate of homelessness is through the roof?
> > > > > > Rounding out the bottom ten on the cost of living index are cities 
> > > > > > dotted throughout the troubled Middle East and North Africa, with 
> > > > > > the low cost of living in these parts driven by a mix of weakened 
> > > > > > currencies, low levels of development and, in some cases, price 
> > > > > > controls and subsidies in staple goods.
> > > > > > For me, there is no question that we are indeed a very lucky 
> > > > > > country â€" many would even suggest we are "spoilt". After all, we 
> > > > > > enjoy a glut of wide open spaces, comparatively clean beaches, jobs 
> > > > > > for those who want to work, homes with all of the modern 
> > > > > > conveniences we've come to expect, excellent investment 
> > > > > > opportunities there for the taking and a world leading economy.
> > > > > > At the end of the day, I guess you really do get what you pay for!
> > > > > > Oh - one last thought...
> > > > > > If we are widely recognized as the most liveable country in what is 
> > > > > > fast becoming an increasingly inhospitable world, would-be 
> > > > > > residents will be beating a path to our door and we'll end up with 
> > > > > > a big Australia after all.
> > > > > > Where are we going to put all those people?
> > > > > > Don't get me wrong â€" I think we need a growing population to 
> > > > > > support our economy and replace our retiring Baby Boomer workforce. 
> > > > > > In the words of a famous past Prime Minister â€" we must populate 
> > > > > > or perish.
> > > > > > Christopher Joye, director of Rismark estimates that Australia will 
> > > > > > likely have to absorb 2.3 million additional households over the 
> > > > > > next 15 years alone. BIS Shrapnel estimates that this translates 
> > > > > > into a new home building requirement of about 3 million properties 
> > > > > > once you account for demolitions and the historical share of 
> > > > > > unoccupied homes (e.g., holiday houses, etc).
> > > > > > There is no doubt that this substantial increase in population will 
> > > > > > bring with it many social, political, infrastructure and 
> > > > > > environmental concerns.
> > > > > > The fact is that our politicians must make some hard decisions and 
> > > > > > start investing in improving our infrastructure so we can have the 
> > > > > > sustainable growth that will ensure we remain the lucky country. 
> > > > > > (More from Yahoo!7 Finance: Buying vs Renting â€" Which Will Make 
> > > > > > Wou Richer?)
> > > > > > Michael Yardney is a director of Metropole Property Strategists who 
> > > > > > create wealth for their clients through independent, unbiased 
> > > > > > property advice and advocacy. He is best-selling author, one of 
> > > > > > Australia's leading experts in wealth creation through property and 
> > > > > > writes the Property Update blog. Subscribe today and you'll receive 
> > > > > > a free video training â€" The Golden Rules of Property Investment.
> > > > > > More from Yahoo!7 Finance:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > > >
> > > > > 
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