Hehehe.. begitu si Teddy berak, langsung orang2 Islam nyamber pantatnya unt 
dijilatin sampe licin mengkilat.

Saking tololnya, si Teddy ga tau apa yg disebut dividen saham, tp kaing2nya lbh 
keras dr kaing2 anjing kekepit buntut, pake nyebut2 istilah 'technical 
analysis' segala spy kaing2nya bisa kedengaran.

> From: Roman Proteus <pt_kas...@yahoo.com>
>To: Proletar <proletar@yahoogroups.com> 
>Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 9:56 PM
>Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat "item 
>Si item bleki itu mana ngarti saham
>Otak dungu dan pengecut tulen
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "Teddy S." <ted...@gmail.com>
>Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
>Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:19:23 
>To: <proletar@yahoogroups.com>
>Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat "item abu"...
>Pintar dah lu sampai mengambil kesimpulan begitu.
>Hanya gua heran, kenapa broker Forex Rusia sampai berani buka cabang di 
>Indonesia belum terlalu lama ini?
>Berarti lu salah tempat kasih pencerahan karena korban yang bakalan atau sudah 
>kena tipu sudah semakin bertambah banyak di Indonesia. Bukannya lu selalu 
>memikirkan keselamatan orang-orang banyak?
>Hidup itu persaingan, lu kok nyalahin orang cari untung terus?
>Kalau tidak mampu bersaing, ya tahu diri, jangan main saham. Ide johny memang 
>tepat, dagang beras aja yang praktis risikonya kecil.
>Sekarang lu lihat grafik saham salah satu bank terbaik Australia.
>Menurut lu orang-orang yang punya saham itu merugi?
>Mertua kolega gua yang bule Aussie sudah pensiun dan sekarang kerjanya 
>beberapa kali keliling dunia dalam setahun cuma dengan dana yang berasal dari 
>dividen saham tersebut. Kalau butuh duit rada banyak, dilepaslah sebagian 
>kecil sahamnya. Satu lembar sahamnya sekarang bernilai sekitar A$ 46 per 
>lembar. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, ada anggota Parlemen Australia dari partai 
>Liberal (partai orang kaya) yang langsung meraup saham ini saat nilainya 
>berada pada titik terendah akibat krisis ekonomi global. Dalam waktu setahun 
>lebih nilainya sudah kembali dan lipat dua dari harga terendah.
>Jelas kalau main saham pengetahuan harus luas, tahu kapan waktu beli dan 
>jualnya. Jangan nyalahin orang untung karena orang demikian menguasai 
>'technical analysis'.
>--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu <itemabu@...> wrote:
>> Hehehe... johny_indon ini langsung aja nyamber pantat si Teddy unt dijilatin.
>> Ga ada yg salah dgn gua bilang kalo si Warren Buffet untung maka orang lain 
>> rugi. Dan biarpun yg rugi itu tau resikonya, itu ga ngubah fakta dia itu 
>> rugi.
>> Apa si Warren Buffet masih belum merasa cukup dgn kekayaannya sampe dia 
>> terus cari untung di atas kerugian orang lain?
>> Hanya sebagian kecil orang yg untung di pasar modal, sisanya relatif rugi 
>> kalo dividen dr perusahaan dihitung. Pasar saham atau pasar uang lainnya itu 
>> udah jadi alat unt para bajingan serakah nilep duit orang lain.
>> >________________________________
>> > From: johny_indon <johny_indon@...>
>> >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 10:33 AM
>> >Subject: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat "item 
>> >abu"...
>> > 
>> >
>> >  
>> >
>> >
>> >maklumlah ted, orang ngga sekolah ya gitu deh komentarnya.
>> >asal njeplak aja.
>> >dia sekarang hidup melarat bukannya introspeksi, tapi maunya nyalahin orang 
>> >lain.
>> >semua orang yg menurut dia kaya dibilang bajingan.
>> >padahal dia sendiri kutu busuk, benalu kehidupan, maunya kaya tanpa kerja.
>> >
>> >--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Teddy S." <teddyr@> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Kalau tidak kalah, pastilah menang.
>> >> Orang yang main saham sudah tahu pasti risikonya.Kalau tidak mau rugi 
>> >> jangan main saham karena tidak ada yang memaksa. Jadi pernyataan lu 
>> >> tentang Warren Buffet benar-benar menggelikan. Rupanya ada Don Quixote di 
>> >> dunia nyata. Ha ha ha!!!
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > Kalo orang beli mobil mewah padahal ada banyak orang kelaparan, orang 
>> >> > itu adalah bajingan, ga peduli dr mana duitnya.
>> >> > 
>> >> > Emangnya, gimana orang bisa kaya kalo bukannya dgn memangsa orang lain? 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > Apa misalnya si Eka Tjipta Wijaya itu kaya bukannya dgn ngerusak alam 
>> >> > lewat perkebunan kelapa sawit dan pabrik kertas? Apa si Warren Buffet 
>> >> > bukannya kaya krn dpt untung di pasar saham di mana orang lain rugi? 
>> >> > Apa keluarga Walton pemilik Walmart bukannya kaya antara lain krn buruh 
>> >> > di negara berkembang kerja dgn upah minim sementara Walmart bisa untung 
>> >> > gede?
>> >> > 
>> >> > Jadi orang kaya yg ga peduli dgn orang lain itu adalah bajingan, ga 
>> >> > peduli apakah hartanya "halal" apa kagak.
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > 
>> >> > >________________________________
>> >> > > From: widura <a.widura@>
>> >> > >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 12:43 PM
>> >> > >Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat 
>> >> > >"item abu"...
>> >> > > 
>> >> > >
>> >> > >  
>> >> > >Betul, hak. Berhak beli, berhak juga berkomentar. Sepanjang orang yg 
>> >> > >beli mobil/barang mewah dari hasil kerja kerasnya yg benar, itu bukan 
>> >> > >bajingan, tetapi menikmati hasil kerjanya. Katakanlah barang mewah 
>> >> > >sebagai stymulus yg memotivasi orang utk lebih giat bekerja supaya 
>> >> > >bisa memilikinya atau untuk "naik kelas". Apalagi hak kepemilikannya 
>> >> > >ini juga sudah dikenakan pajak yg sangat besar. Kurang valid kalo 
>> >> > >memvonis orang beli mobil mewah langsung si cap bajingan. Banyak 
>> >> > >faktor yg mesti dilihat lagi untuk sampai memvonis bajingan. Seperti 
>> >> > >pejabat publik misalnya, ini perlu di selidiki sumber dana yg dipakai 
>> >> > >utk beli mobil mewah. 
>> >> > >-----Original Message----- 
>> >> > >From: item abu <itemabu@> 
>> >> > >Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 12:47:24 
>> >> > >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com<proletar@yahoogroups.com> 
>> >> > >Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat 
>> >> > >"item abu"... 
>> >> > >
>> >> > >Silakan aja orang mau pake duitnya buat beli barang mewah apapun jg, 
>> >> > >itu sih hak mereka. 
>> >> > >
>> >> > >Cuma aja, hehehe... orang lain jg berhak unt bilang orang2 itu adalah 
>> >> > >bajingan borjuis yg ga peduli dgn orang lain, bukan? 
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >>________________________________ 
>> >> > >> From: widura <a.widura@> 
>> >> > >>To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >>Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:14 AM 
>> >> > >>Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat 
>> >> > >>"item abu"... 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>Sebenarnya kalau prosesnya benar keberadaan mobil mewah tidak jadi 
>> >> > >>masalah karena struktur cost yg dibayar pemiliknya boleh dibilang 
>> >> > >>besar di pajak barang mewahnya dan biaya2 lainnya yg dibayar ke kas 
>> >> > >>negara. Dari pajak inilah yg mestinya digunakan utk  redistribusi 
>> >> > >>pendapatan agar ada manfaatnya utk masyarakat lain yg kekurangan dan 
>> >> > >>atau belum mampu beli mobil/barang mewah. Relatif sedikit orang yg 
>> >> > >>memiliki kemampuan beli mobil mewah. Kalau ada pejabat publik yg bisa 
>> >> > >>beli mobil mewah, tinggal minta pembuktiannya sumber dana yg 
>> >> > >>digunakannya itu. Ini ada yg bertugas untuk memeriksanya, cuma ngga 
>> >> > >>tau berfungsi apa tidak satuan tugas ini. Belum lagi masalah kontrol 
>> >> > >>pendapatan dan penggunaan pajak negara, informasi inilah yg mesti di 
>> >> > >>buat setransparan mungkin ke publik sebagai salah satu alat kontrol. 
>> >> > >>-----Original Message----- 
>> >> > >>From: "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@> 
>> >> > >>Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >>Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 01:23:27 
>> >> > >>To: <proletar@yahoogroups.com> 
>> >> > >>Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >>Subject: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat 
>> >> > >>"item abu"... 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>Saya jadi teringat komentar salah seorang Islam di mailing list ini 
>> >> > >>dulu: 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>http://groups.yahoo.com/group/proletar/message/116859 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>Saya kutip: 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>"lu dan ade manusia guoblok 
>> >> > >>yang cuma bisa nulis raja arab pakansi, gak mutu 
>> >> > >>lu orangnya sirik, irihati 
>> >> > >>lha orang2 yang punya toko kesenengan 
>> >> > >>elu ama ade kok susah lihat orang seneng dasar manusia berhati busuk 
>> >> > >>dan jahat, culas, seneng kalo lihat orang menderita lu baru seneng 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>lha duit2 orang mau dipake pakansi kek, 
>> >> > >>itu kan hak asazi orang, nggak ada yang bisa larang 
>> >> > >>emangngya salah apa sih orang pakansi, shopping 
>> >> > >>emangnya peke duit lu 
>> >> > >>kampungan lu" 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu <itemabu@> wrote: 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> Tentunya si raja Saudi ini akan kaing2 "itu duit ane sendiri, 
>> >> > >>> kenapa ane ga boleh make". Si Teddy, johny_indon dan anggota DPR jg 
>> >> > >>> kaing2 yg sama, bukan? 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> Jadi si Teddy dan johny_indon itu boleh bangga krn satu kelompok 
>> >> > >>> dgn raja Saudi dan anggota DPR yg "terhormat". 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> (Kalo gua sih malu, makanya waktu ada anggota DPR tinggal di depan 
>> >> > >>> gua, gua ga pernah datang ke rumahnya biarpun diundang). 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> >________________________________ 
>> >> > >>> > From: Bukan Pedanda <bukan.pedanda@> 
>> >> > >>> >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >>> >Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 9:59 PM 
>> >> > >>> >Subject: [proletar] Re: Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat 
>> >> > >>> >"item abu"... 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >  
>> >> > >>> >Satu lagi: 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >http://www.islamawareness.net/MiddleEast/Saudi/extravagance1.html 
>> >> > >>> >Saudi king and royal extravagance 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >2002-09-04 09:27:23 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Inter Press Service 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >4 September 2002 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >http://ummahnews.com/viewarticle.php?sid=4190 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >The extravagant vacations of Saudi King Fahd and his 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >royal retinue in Spain are disproportionate for a 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >country that has political and social problems, 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >despite its oil wealth. The 81-year-old king of Saudi 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Arabia, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al- Saud, accompanied by 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >nearly all of his children and family members and an 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >entourage of more than 3,000, has been vacationing on 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Spain's Costa del Sol since Aug. 14. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >In the posh Mediterranean resort town of Marbella, 450 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >kms southeast of Madrid, he stays in his palace, a 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >replica of the White House named "Mar Mar". Just the 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >preparations of the palace for his visit ran to $185 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >million. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Luxury villas and 300 rooms in five-star hotels were 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >rented for the rest of the royal family in and around 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Marbella. Chic restaurants and jewelry shops have 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >cheerfully prepared for the Saudi visitors, who spent 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >$90 million on their last stay, in 1999. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >On this year's visit, which is to be one month longer 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >than the last one, they are expected to spend as much 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >as $300 million. Although a boon for Spain's tourist 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >industry, that sum indicates the Saudi leaders' lack 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >of concern for their own people. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Emma Bonino, an Italian member of the European 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Parliament, said the royal family has more than $600 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >billion in funds abroad, and is "more interested in 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >investing them on the international markets than at 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >home." 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Saudi Arabia ranked 71st out of 173 nations on the 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >United Nations Development Program's (UNDP) latest 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Human Development Index, which measures factors like 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >life expectancy, school enrollment, and distribution 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >of wealth. Ahead of Saudi Arabia are nations like 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Thailand, Venezuela, Colombia and Slovenia. Per capita 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >income in Saudi Arabia plunged from $35,000 to $7,000 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >in just 20 years, while the country's Gross National 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Product grew just one percent a year on average during 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >the same period, and its 3.8 percent demographic 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >growth rate is one of the highest in the world. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Meanwhile, discriminatory policies remain in place, 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >such as those that keep the princes and their families 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >separate from the rest of the population, and 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >especially from the immigrants, who keep the economy 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >running, not to mention the discrimination against 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >women. Evidence of that was experienced by Bonino 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >herself when she visited Saudi Arabia as part of a 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >delegation sent by the European Parliament's 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >commission of foreign affairs. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >When they were received by the chair of the Saudi 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >parliament, Salih bin Abdullah bin Humaid, the women 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >deputies were "denied the honor of a handshake or 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >eye-to-eye contact," said Bonino, while explanations 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >that Islam considers women to be different from men 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >were addressed to the male deputy guests. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Several Spanish media outlets reported that a British 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >agency has provided a large group of women to 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >accompany the Saudi men during their vacations in 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Spain, on two conditions: the women must be young and 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >blonde, and must be replaced every 15 days. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Although prostitution is legal in Spain, procuring is 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >punishable by law. Nevertheless, no authority or 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >organization has moved against the British agency, 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >even though the contract was made public. Nor has the 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >illegal hiring of around 50 active-service police 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >officers to moonshine as bodyguards for the Saudi 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >king, princes and princesses been questioned. The 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >arrangement has been reported by several media 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >outlets, with no reaction from the government. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >On the contrary, King Fahd has been given a royal 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >welcome, and was visited in Mar Mar by King Juan 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Carlos, although according to protocol, the Spanish 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >sovereign should have received the visiting monarch. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Fahd will also receive visits from Spanish Prime 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Minister Jose Maria Aznar and U.S. Secretary of State 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Colin Powell. The Saudi monarch and Powell are 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >expected to discuss present or future U.S. actions 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >against Iraq, a touchy subject on which the two 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >countries are publicly divided. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Another question that may be addressed is a lawsuit 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >that a group of Saudis are preparing against the U.S. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >government and several media outlets for 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >"pyschological and economic damages" suffered since 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Washington. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >The lawsuit was announced Aug. 21 in Washington by 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Saudi lawyer Katih al Shamri. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >The dispute over the succession to the Saudi throne 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >further compounds Saudi Arabia's social problems and 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >the difficulties arising from the conflict in the 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Middle East and the "war on terrorism" declared by 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >President George W. Bush, whose government is getting 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >ready to target Iraq. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >Saudi Arabia is important to the United States, as it 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >accounts for 25 percent of the world's oil reserves, 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >and 10 percent of global oil production. 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> >--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@> 
>> >> > >>> >wrote: 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Ini satu lagi kemewahan yang menjijikkan... 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> http://www.sundream-estate.com/new-36-marbella-remember-king-fahd..html
>> >> > >>> >>  
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Marbella Remember King Fahd. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Marbella Remember King Fahd. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud. 1923 â€" August 1, 2005. 
>> >> > >>> >> He was the king and prime minister of Saudi Arabia and leader of 
>> >> > >>> >> the House of Saud. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Everyone has a favourite Fahd story. Mine was that day he cast a 
>> >> > >>> >> glance eye over Marbella's Hotel Don Pepe. He sent a secretary 
>> >> > >>> >> to enquire how much would the owners want for the hotel. The 
>> >> > >>> >> answerable was politely told the hotel was not for sale. The 
>> >> > >>> >> secretary replied: "Everyone has a price when in comes to the 
>> >> > >>> >> king". But not that time. It was one of the very few occasions 
>> >> > >>> >> that Fahd was rejected. But his love affair with Marbella was 
>> >> > >>> >> not dimmed. He told a local journalist that he liked the town 
>> >> > >>> >> "because it is part of a land blessed by Allah", referring to 
>> >> > >>> >> the time when the area had been occupied by the Arabs from the 
>> >> > >>> >> 8th to the 13th century. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> King Fahd's Palace. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> From the hotel Incosol just outside Marbella, Fahd directed the 
>> >> > >>> >> construction of his Marbella property, Mar Mar Palace, modelled 
>> >> > >>> >> on the White House. And his retinue of 3.000 courtiers spent 
>> >> > >>> >> like money was about to go out of fashion. Krug and caviar 
>> >> > >>> >> become the order of the day on the Golden Mile. A local 
>> >> > >>> >> newspaper calculated that a Fahd summer visit saw the profits at 
>> >> > >>> >> Puerto Banus rise by 35.000 Euros a day. Tales of excess and 
>> >> > >>> >> extravagance, of sex and shopping sprees, filled the pages of 
>> >> > >>> >> the world's tabloid press. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Fahd becomes known as the king of Bling, the Sultan of 
>> >> > >>> >> Splendour. His personal wealth was estimated at Euro 25 billion. 
>> >> > >>> >> "He earned more in a minute that eny monarch in history did in a 
>> >> > >>> >> year", observed a suitably impressed writer for the Financial 
>> >> > >>> >> Times. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Ibn Saud's favourite son. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> He arrived at Malaga International Airport in his own customised 
>> >> > >>> >> Boing-747. Its fittings included a solid gold toilet, gold 
>> >> > >>> >> cutlery and plates, and a gold throne. But Fahd often preferred 
>> >> > >>> >> to squat on the floor; perhaps it was a reminder that his 
>> >> > >>> >> father, Ibn Saud, had been an uneducated desert Bedouin. 
>> >> > >>> >> Recognised as the country's first monarch of a new kingdom, Ibn 
>> >> > >>> >> Saud fathered a dynasty of 46 sons by numerous wives. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Fahd, was Ibn Saud favourite son, spent his youth in Paris and 
>> >> > >>> >> at the casino in Monte Carlo. I once watched him spend five 
>> >> > >>> >> million francs on the throw of a dice. Next night, he turned up 
>> >> > >>> >> with his latest toy; a customised pen that could sign a cheque 
>> >> > >>> >> in gold ink. He also had the casino fountain gush only Cristal 
>> >> > >>> >> champagne while he was at the table. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Marbella Official Mourning. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> All this â€" and more â€" made him a fawned 
>> >> > >>> >> upon favourite at the Hotel Incosol. Staff marvelled at the way 
>> >> > >>> >> Fahd could smoke two cigarettes at one time; he would have an 
>> >> > >>> >> ashtray on either side of his chair. No one at the hotel knows 
>> >> > >>> >> how many wives he brought. More certain, he was one of the first 
>> >> > >>> >> kings to parade his mistresses in public. When he died August 
>> >> > >>> >> 2005, the sense of loss in Marbella was marked by the town 
>> >> > >>> >> major, Marisol Yague, declaring three days of official mourning 
>> >> > >>> >> and the town hall rushed through a decree that the late king was 
>> >> > >>> >> an adopted son of the municipality. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> In the hotel Incosol, and the other grand hotels of the coast, 
>> >> > >>> >> no longer would flunkeys murmur the most potent words in the 
>> >> > >>> >> Spanish language; "el rey pagar'a" (the king will pay). No 
>> >> > >>> >> longer would Antonia Molina, the owner of Marbella's finest 
>> >> > >>> >> jewellers, Gomez & Molina, prepare herself to spend up to a day 
>> >> > >>> >> showing Fahd her latest collections of precious stones. No 
>> >> > >>> >> longer would the staff of Marbella Casino receive a signed blank 
>> >> > >>> >> cheque for the Saudi princes to gamble the night away. And no 
>> >> > >>> >> longer would the staff at the hotel Incosol receive the king of 
>> >> > >>> >> tips Fahd once gave them; 300.000 Euro â€" enough for 
>> >> > >>> >> the entire staff to receive an extra year's salary. Puerto Banus 
>> >> > >>> >> will miss one of the large tourist attractions when King Fahd's 
>> >> > >>> >> huge yacht â€"Shaf, is mooring in the harbour. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> The Last Arab Monarch? 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Now in only King Fahd had tried out some of the spa treatments 
>> >> > >>> >> at Hotel Incosol, he might have still been able to enjoy his 
>> >> > >>> >> earlier lifestyle as the undisputed Big Spender of the Costa del 
>> >> > >>> >> Sol. Is he forever doomed to be remembered as the last of the 
>> >> > >>> >> old style Arab monarchs? Or is there among his many sons a 
>> >> > >>> >> potential successor? If so, the one certainty is he is unlikely 
>> >> > >>> >> to avail himself of the facilities at hotel Incosol. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> In these turbulent times for the House of Saud, its members know 
>> >> > >>> >> that any display of pampering will alienate the further from 
>> >> > >>> >> their own people â€" bringing closer the day that Osama 
>> >> > >>> >> bin Laden has promised will see the end of the royal House of 
>> >> > >>> >> Saudi. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Monument after King Fahd 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> Europa Point in Gibraltar has the largest mosque in a 
>> >> > >>> >> non-Islamic country. Like the mosque on Marbella's Golden Mile, 
>> >> > >>> >> it was paid for by King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and opened in 1997 
>> >> > >>> >> as a focal point for Arabs travelling in southern Europe. 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> >> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu <itemabu@> wrote: 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> > Mirip dgn kata si Oom Pasikom, orang2 Islam plus plus di milis 
>> >> > >>> >> > ini bilang "jangan sirik, apa salahnya jadi orang kaya 
>> >> > >>> >> > bermewah2, yg penting duit ane sendiri koq. Peduli amat dgn 
>> >> > >>> >> > orang lain". 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> > >________________________________ 
>> >> > >>> >> > > From: Bukan Pedanda <bukan.pedanda@> 
>> >> > >>> >> > >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
>> >> > >>> >> > >Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 8:16 PM 
>> >> > >>> >> > >Subject: [proletar] Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat 
>> >> > >>> >> > >"item abu"... 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > >ÃÆ'‚  
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > >Soal mobil mewah: sekedar informasi buat "item abu"... 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > >Karikatur ini juga jelas belum basi.. 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > >http://sosbud.kompasiana.com/2011/11/26/pakai-innova-anggota-dpr-takut-mati-ham-ala-pejabat-negara
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > > 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] 
>> >> > >>> >> > 
>> >> > >>> >> 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> > 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] 
>> >> > >>> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >>------------------------------------ 
>> >> > >> 
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>> >> > >>Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com 
>> >> > >>Unsubscribe :  proletar-unsubscr...@egroups.com 
>> >> > >>List owner  :  proletar-ow...@egroups.com 
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>> >> > >> 
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>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >> 
>> >> > >
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>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > > 
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > 
>> >> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >
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