On 25 May 19:41, Richard Hartmann wrote:
> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 7:08 PM Julius Volz <julius.v...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I would also want to understand a bit more specifically how this would work 
> > in practice though. E.g. when there are three people arguing one way on an 
> > issue, and one person against, and all views have been considered and 
> > arguments are turning in circles, can the majority (with respect to that 
> > discussion) just go ahead and decide / merge things? I guess in the worst 
> > case, when someone feels unheard, they can still call for a team-wide vote, 
> > but the cost of calling for that vote would then be carried by the 
> > minority, not the majority? So things would be more biased towards action.
> That's one possible mode of operation, yes.
> Hopefully, there would be fewer lockups by shifting from default-deny
> to default-majority-ish.
> If it does not work out to our shared satisfaction, we can always
> refine the governance further, e.g. introduce a Chair system though,
> again, I would like to avoid that.
> Best,
> Richard

I would vote :+1: on changing to rough consensus.

Julien Pivotto

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