On 19/02/2021 22:19, Gajendra Ambi wrote:
I too just discovered that it does not do dynamic discovery. I have to tell prometheus to see it by using file based discovery in prometheus. This is very unfortunate where we have 100s of nodes and growing and each group of devs who own them get to add them when they want. Currently it seems We have to do it manually. Thanks for the quick info.

Prometheus needs some way of obtaining a list of the targets to scrape for each job.

For cloud based instances that is fairly easy - Prometheus can ask them to list all instances and using features like tags you can decide what is scraped.

For virtual machines you could do something similar. For physical machines it really depends on how you have things setup. Do you have a IPAM/asset management system? Do you run a tool like Consul?

If you ignore Prometheus for a second: If you were asked to produce a list of all the servers with details about what is running on them (so you knew what metrics to fetch) how would you do that?

Whatever the answer, that's what you should aim to have Prometheus use. If the answer is to produce a manual list, then unfortunately that's what you need to do - Prometheus has to look somewhere for the list.

Stuart Clark

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