On 05/01/2021 15:35, Roman Dodin wrote:
Hello community,
I have a telemetry system that sends data into Prometheus when the data changes (i.e. its a push-on-event mechanism, not a sample/interval push) That means, if a system is stable, then the last reported value can be reported quite some time back.

Let's say this metric is called "my_metric", how do I get its last reported value without specifying manually the timeframe to look back?
So far I come up with the following query:


Is this the only way to get the last value of a series, or maybe there is another alternative?

Prometheus is designed to be used as a scrape (pull) system where metrics are regularly fetched and their values recorded in the TSDB (even if they haven't changed). As a result of this and metric that doesn't have a recent value is seen as "stale" and isn't returned when doing instant queries. The default setting is 5 minutes, which leads to the generally suggested maximum scrape interval of 2 minutes (to allow for a single scrape failure without the series being marked as stale).

I'm not sure how you are pushing events into Prometheus, but it sounds like you are working against the design of the system. Additionally Prometheus is a metrics system rather than an event storage system.

For event storage I would use a different database (possibly SQL based or a generic timeseries database) which would have no problems with the sort of queries you are wanting.

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