On 09/06/2021 07:16, nina guo wrote:
Thank you very much.

May I ask if there is a way to make multiple Prometheus instances to scrape different targets?

Compared the 2 solution, scraping same targerts vs scraping different targets, which is more better?

On Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:08:47 PM UTC+8 Stuart Clark wrote:

    When doing autoscaling (not specifically with Prometheus but
    everything) you need to ensure that you don't have too many
    changes happening at once, otherwise you might start rejecting
    requests (if all instances are restarting at the same time).

    This would generally be done via things like pod distuption
    budgets. For a pair of Prometheus servers I'd not want more than
    one change at once. For other systems I might go as far as N-1
    changes at once.

Yes sharding is a standard solution when wanting to scale Prometheus performance.

The two options are for different use cases and work together. A single Prometheus server can handle a certain number of targets/queries based on both the number of metrics being scraped and the CPU/memory assigned to that server. Above that level you would look to split your list of targets across multiple servers. Also it might make sense to do that splitting also for organisational reasons - different servers split by product, service, location, etc. which are managed by different teams for example. So you might have a server in location X and two servers in location Y (product A and product B).

You might have additional more central servers for global alerts using federation or a system such as Thanos not to combine all metrics together (which would be a single point of failure and require massive resources) but to allow for a consolidated view.

Alongside this you would use pairs of Prometheus for HA, so that if a single server isn't operating (failure, maintenance, etc.) you don't lose metrics. You might run a system such as promxy or Thanos in front of each pair to handle deduplication. So in the example of 3 groups of Prometheus servers (X, AY & BY) they would actually be HA pairs, so 6 servers in total. If using a system such as Kubernetes you'd need to ensure that any changes are limited (e.g. via pod disruption budgets) to ensure the second pod isn't stopped/replaced while the first is out of action.

Stuart Clark

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