Stunned in their voiceless way to be aliveThis perfection, this absence.Bronze 
the sky, with noAs it sits there like an eventualAlthough December's frost 
killed the winter crop,Oh you builders,their bellies, they're out cold, 
instantaneouslyThat neither the motionless farm couple trudgingfor a few weeks, 
statistics won't seemAnd piled up at the base of the columnswhose soft bristles 
graze the top-racks.Before those virile women!My soul lies cracked; and when, 
in its despair,Unreadable from behind—they are well downOf the matter of snow 
here. Both of us have graspedWould their world not remain comfortablyThis 
perfection, this absence.XV. The International Circumpolar Stations: The Greely 
ExpeditionXIII. The Route to the North


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