I meant to add that I always use horizontal mode, so that would have got my vote as Mark predicted!

A dynamic toggle would be very useful, I think.


On 27/07/11 13:37, Rob Arthan wrote:
Thanks to Mark and Artur for their feedback. We have one vote each way,
so for the time being I won't change this.

People like Mark with smallish screens should be aware that the window
menu now has a Show/Hide Journal item as well as Show/Hide Script. Even
when I using a big screen, I use these a lot when I am doing proofs (I
set PPLINELENGTH so that ProofPower formats things to use the full width
of the journal window when the script window is hidden).

What I may do in a forthcoming version is add a toggle geometry item to
the window menu so that the horizontal/vertical distinction can be made



On 22 Jul 2011, at 16:03, Mark wrote:

I use Xpp in 1-window mode for general text editing, and I also 2-window
mode for developing scripts. I want to develop my text with 80-character
width, which is the industry standard. Like many, I only have a 1280x800
screen, and so horizontal mode means that the journal window is very
squashed up if the script window stays at 80. So I prefer vertical.

I bet Phil is now going to show off about his new, super-hidef screen
and suggest horizontal mode... :)


on 22/7/11 3:10 PM, Rob Arthan <r...@lemma-one.com
<mailto:r...@lemma-one.com>> wrote:

I nearly always use Xpp with the following settings in

Xpp*script.rows: 32
Xpp*script.columns: 60
Xpp*script.background: white
Xpp*script.foreground: black
Xpp*journal.rows: 32
Xpp*journal.columns: 60
Xpp*namestring.columns: 24
Xpp*journal.background: light blue
Xpp*journal.foreground: black
Xpp*journal.editable: true
Xpp*mainpanes.orientation: HORIZONTAL

This differs from the "out of the box" default in laying out the windows
side-by-side and letting you bring up the command dialogue by trying to
into the journal window. I am tempted to change the default settings to
above - it looks a bit less like a standard Motif application, but it
much better use of modern screens (or at least modern screens that have a
landscape aspect ratio).

It would be nice to know what other people do before I commit to this
change. So please let me know your preferences.



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