Mike Reagan wrote:
> I take my it back, the pins cant be .100 spacing. The spec sheet shows 19
> spaces at .050, not .100.   If I space the pins at .1 the distance from pin
> 1 to pin 20 will be 1.90, exceeding the body dimension shown as 1.140.    Im
> trying to get a sample.  but thanks everyone anyway
> Mike Reagan

I looked at the 1 page pdf for that connector - the connector pins in
each row are on .05 centers, but the PCB contacts for each row are
staggered, so the pads in each row are on 0.1 centers (but the rows
themselves are on .05 centers)

You have two rows of contacts in the connector, but four rows of pads on
the board (plus the center ground row)

Peter Bennett
4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada      
GPS and NMEA info and programs: 

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