On 04:45 PM 21/08/2001 -0500, Frank Gilley said:
>You may have caught me with my pants down on that one, I'm a little 
>embarrassed to say that I have had hardly any cause to use the autorouter 
>since SE came out.  With all the RF and other critical stuff there has 
>been little place for the autorouter in my work for the past couple of 
>years.  Man, I sure could have used it in the 98 days though, when all my 
>work was autorouted low-speed digital stuff.  I remember trying to keep 
>traces away from certain noise susceptable components on one side or the 
>other and cussing an awful lot about the multi-layer keepouts.
>So, they fixed this in SE and I never noticed??  :))
>Mr. Protel, I heartily apologize!
>Brad, please confirm that this is in fact what this checkbox allows you to 


Layer Specific Keepouts (LSK) were implemented in P99SE.

You can place layer specific keepouts with arcs, tracks and fills.  You can 
place LSKs either as Brad showed (place track and edit the keepout 
property) or there is a Place|Keep Out menu item (on the Place menu) which 
gives various options.

LSKs are observed (mostly) by the auto-router and checked by the 
DRC.  Hence they are not only useful with the autorouter but in any design 
where critical spacings and special regions must be observed.

LSKs take the colour of the layer they are on but have a highlight in the 
keepout colour.

They we one of the huge improvements in P99SE that seemed to coincide with 
an organised effort by some members of this group to collate and document 
what we wanted.  Almost all of our wish list was implemented.

Ian Wilson

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