I'm running Win4Lin on RH7.3 on a dual processor PII350 256MB machine.

I have Win98SE and have just recently installed Protel98 which seems to run
very nicely... not much testing yet.
I couldn't get the trial of 99SE to install because it doesn't recognize the
"partition" type.

When using the SMP Kernel from RedHat, I have to run the last version from
RH7.2 to get it working. I expect Netraverse to release new kernels for
RedHat's latest (2.4.18-5) shortly and am hoping it will fix some problems.

I haven't given the kernel problem a thorough workover but the 2.4.9 SMP
kernel and Win4Lin work well.

It takes around 10 sec to boot Win98 and gives me good access to all the
"features" I need in a windows environment.

IMHO, definitely worth a go.


-----Original Message-----
From:   Justin M. Fenwick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, 10 July 2002 9:19 AM
To:     Protel EDA Forum
Subject:        Re: [PEDA] Protel under Win4Lin (WAS OpenOffice & 3D CAD)

Is winfor lin a separate shell i.e. is it to replace Red Hat etc, what Linux
software do you use?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 11:06 AM
To: Protel EDA Forum
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Protel under Win4Lin (WAS OpenOffice & 3D CAD)

> Sounds like a miracle! :)
> Maybe MS should investigate how their OS should run by
> looking at Win4Lin.
> Seriously, maybe Win4Lin provides a 'nicer' system to Windows
> (more memory,
> smarter swapping algorithms, etc.) Yeah, I should give it a shot.

win4lin doesn't provide more memory to windows (it has a maximum of 128MB
available to windows under version 4), but IME the disk access is much
better under linux (especially compared to NTFS), and the swapping/memory
management is much better also.

I ran an earlier version on a PII-300 with 64MB of RAM, and windows 98 under
win4lin was faster/more resposive than NT4 native on the same machine.


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