--- "Symanski, Jerry SPAWAR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Gentlemen, I am currently involved in the all too familiar task of
> choosing an EDA tool for our group.

I would suggest that the majority of designed in problems in hardware
really fall back to how much control you can wield over your
schematic/symbol & footprint/geometry libraries. Look at your staff
skill levels, your design needs, talk to others, throw salt over your
shoulder, have a guess....

My 2c:

-Orcad has great front end control. What you get on the board is what
you placed on the schematic (which is specified in the company
spreadsheet). It has a prick of a layout tool but!

-The good thing about Protel is you can do anything. The bad thing
about Protel is you can do anything (dangerous in the wrong hands or if
you don't have scrupulous post design checking).

-Mentor, Expedition et al. Great stuff, twice the board layout system
of the cheapie ones if you can afford the 5times+ the purchase price &
learning curve. Emminently adaptable with a good front end (once
libraries have been setup)& generally good back end.

20 seats is a serious proposition though... you've gotta take into
account all the knowledge base in the staff that you have there
already. Think it through carefully. 

Dom Bragge CID
Snr PCB Designer
Sydney, Australia
 ( 99SE sp6 )

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