Ian Wilson wrote:
> On 02:15 PM 16/07/2004, Dennis Saputelli said:
> ><..snip..>
> >
> >BTW remember the To92's that were ECB ? (or was it BCE ?)
> >just get out a bit of sleeving and your solder sucker and you
> >were all set
> >quite a bit harder to deal with in the case of SOTs though
> I have seem prototypes with SOT-23 upside-down with the gull-wing legs bent
> to meet the board.  It would have been done in a small production run
> except reverse pinned versions were available.  Worse think about this was
> that another design done shortly after suffered the *same* problem - I
> couldn't believe the lack of care and attention to detail.

same experience here
we were once given a job to make a few minor changes to a pcb already 

NOT on the to-do list was to fix the SOT23's which were all wrong
and which we discovered by carefully manually checking things that 
were not supposed to need checking

when i pointed out this problem (and assuming i had it somehow wrong)
they said 'yeah those boards didn't work'  :}


> Ian

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