I have set a global clearance of 10mil and would like the router to follow a 12mil 
track to SMDpad clearance rule and a 14mil via to SMDpad clearance rule.  I have these 
additional clearance rules set in 99SE, but they do not transfer to the DSN file.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Reagan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 4:05 PM
> To: 'Protel EDA Forum'
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] Autorouting Techniques
> Duane
> The purpose of the article was to explore interactive routing....the
> interactive part and most boring part of this is manually 
> fanning out.  FAN
> out everything,   boring and time consuming I know. but the 
> rewards are no
> post clean up and very clean routes
> Just say No to the basic.do   FAN Out as I suggested, take my 
> word for it.
> If you have components on both sides and routing channels are 
> not open, it
> doesn't matter if you manually attempt to route .....routing 
> channels must
> be open
> For your question.,,,,"  But i still would like the router to 
> follow a 12mil
> track-SMDpad rule and a 14mil via-SMDpad rule"    What are you calling
> track-SMD    are you referring to the clearance to the smd 
> pad?   Trace
> widths can be controlled in Protel using net classes or identifying
> individual net names in the width rules set up.   Open the 
> DSN file using
> wordpad as I suggested, and do Control F to fine  the net you 
> assigned a
> rule to. If the net rule is not changed then the design rules 
> are not set up
> in Protel.  The DSN interface is excellent to ELECTRA and 
> Spectra.    If the
> design rules are set up, and there is ample clearance to push 
> a 12 mil line
> thru, ELECTRA will route it in a microsecond.  If it is not routing in
> microseconds after you type in route, then the rules are in 
> conflict.  It is
> that simple ....correct rules, yeilds efficient routing
> Mike 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duane Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:37 PM
> To: Protel EDA Forum
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] Autorouting Techniques
> thanks for your help....  see below for pointed response
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Reagan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 3:08 PM
> > To: 'Protel EDA Forum'
> > Subject: Re: [PEDA] Autorouting Techniques
> > 
> > 
> > HI Duane
> > 
> > Before I can give an answer to all of your question....I need 
> > to know did
> > you follow my step by step instructions for fanning out?   I 
> > typically can
> > route any design ( large ones with several thousand 
> components )  in 5
> > passes.   The secret is the routing channels must be kept 
> > open.  
> i did not do any fan out.. i tried this on the premise that 
> it is a simple
> board which 99SE could autoroute..  this board has some 0805s 
> and 14 pin
> SOICs.. are you recommending that i fan out the SOICs?
> > Secondly,
> > what is are you calling the "basic do"   is this the do file Protel
> > generates?  (DXP only).
> i am referring to a file which was installed by Electra (Basic.do).
> > I would stay away from assigning directives  like "any 
> > direction"  this will
> > only complicate things by not steering the router to work for 
> > you.  Two
> > layer designs work as easily as multilayer ....as long as you 
> > have open
> > channels.  That is key.   On very populated tight designs I 
> > discount the
> > component side as a routing layer because the components are 
> > in the way.
> i have components on both sides?!  
> Perhaps it will route if i work on the component layout.  But 
> i still would
> like the router to follow a 12mil track-SMDpad rule and a 
> 14mil via-SMDpad
> rule.
> Can you illuminate how to implement these special spacing rules?  
> > 
> > Electra will route 100 percent, as long as your rules make 
> > sense. Take a
> > closer look at your rules and make sure they make sense. ie 
> > can a 10 mil
> > line fit inside a 8 mil gap       Let me know how I can help. 
> >  And thanks
> > for reading it.
> > 
> > Mike Reagan 
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Duane Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 4:18 PM
> > To: Protel EDA Forum
> > Subject: Re: [PEDA] Autorouting Techniques
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the white paper Mike.
> > 
> > I have been curious to try the Electra autorouter ( mainly 
> > because of your
> > enthusiastic plugs ), and so I read your white paper and 
> got the demo.
> > 
> > I routed a small double sided board with SMD on both sides.  
> > I was able to
> > get 100% routed in 99SE using 10/10 and 12mil spacing 
> SMD-track.  99SE
> > router will not do my desired 14mil SMD-via spacing, so i 
> > manually adjusted
> > offending vias and cleaned up.
> > 
> > I am trying Electra on the same layout and initially getting 
> > 94% completion
> > and no adherance to any special clearance rules.
> > 
> > I tried using your DO file and it seems ROUTE 5 is inadequate.  Am i
> > misunderstanding your intention?
> > 
> > I tried the basic.do file with an addition of "rule pcb 
> > (clearance 12 (type
> > smd_wire)". I did not see any adherance to this special rule in the
> > resulting routing.
> > 
> > I have tried using small grids and assigning layers to 'any' 
> > direction, with
> > some improvement.
> > 
> > I would be encouraged with Electra if I could get 100% routing with
> > adherance to my spacing rules.  Any ideas or suggestions?  Or 
> > does Electra
> > shine on multi-layer stuff and this simple 2 layer board is 
> under the
> > Electra radar?
> > 
> > Duane Foster
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: edsi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:40 AM
> > > To: Protel EDA Forum
> > > Subject: [PEDA] Autorouting Techniques
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hello All,
> > > 
> > > Please feel free to  visit www.konekt.com  and read my white 
> > > paper  on how to use the Electra Autorouter with Protel  99SE 
> > > and  DXP products.  I have been posting for some time now 
> > > that this router is one of the best products available.  I 
> > > was asked by  the ConnectEDA staff  to write a paper for all 
> > > you users that are afraid to try autorouters.   I have not 
> > > accepted any payment for this effort , my only interest is 
> > > have better design tools available and to open a new dialog 
> > > for Protel users.   
> > > 
> > > Enjoy the article 
> > > 
> > > Mike Reagan
> > > EDSI 
> > > Frederick MD
> >

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