Atentie, in acest articol e vorba de o tema interesanta.
Din punct de vedere economic, ceea ce spune articolul, 
agricultura traditionala este avantajoasa.

Nu in Romania unde aparatura necesara nu este evoluata.
Totusi tractiunea animala e cea mai tare din parcare.

UE si baronii care au pus mana pe agricultura romaneasca
vor sa desfiinteze satul romanesc, vor sa-l converteasca
intr-un imens complex agro-industrial (cum nu au reusit
ei ca comunisti cu IAS-uri si CAP-uri), care va folosi doar
4% din forta de munca a Romaniei. 

Actual, in mediul rural locuiesc aproape 50% dintre romani.
Cum speculeaza acesti borfasi situatia, inseamna ca 45% din
romani vor fi EVACUATI din locurile lor de bastina (de fapt
au inceput migrand in occident ca muncitori agricoli).

Inseamna ca satul romanesc va disparea. Oricum, astazi, satul
romanesc nu este ala traditional, e un fel de mahala, plin
de alcoolici. Comunismul a reusit disolutia care va fi finalizata
de "postcomunisti", adica de actualii basesti uniti cu baronii

Ultima faza va fi importul fortei de munca din Asia, cu precadere
India, Pakistan si China. In 50 de ani Romania va fi juma
neagra (adica neamul romilor din India si Pakistan) si juma

Fac pariu!

SISTERS, Ore. - To some, the thought of a farmer patiently working 
the field behind a horse and plow might evoke pangs of nostalgia for 
the early days of agriculture. But in fact, the practice is making a 

Ol' Dobbin hasn't run the tractors out of the fields yet. But 
increasingly, small farmers are finding horse-powered agriculture a 
workable alternative to mechanization.

Lynn Miller, whose quarterly "Small Farmer's Journal" tracks horse-
farming, estimates about 400,000 people depend in some measure on 
animal power for farming, logging and other livelihoods. He says the 
number is on the rise.

Many are Amish farmers in Iowa and Pennsylvania who shun 
mechanization, but some are farmers who have turned to horses because 
of the bottom line, citing soaring fuel prices and the ability of the 
animals to produce their own replacements.

They also say the animals are better for the soil and can be used in 
wet weather when a tractor often cannot.

Miller, who farms with horses on his own ranch, said the practice 
began spreading beyond Amish communities about 20 years ago.

"When I started 31 years ago there were no companies making equipment 
for animal-powered agriculture," he said in his office in this 
central Oregon town. "Fifteen years ago I could count them. Today I 
have no idea how many there are."

Miller estimated that 60 percent to 70 percent of those who try horse-
and-plow farming stay with it. "It takes a certain personality," he 
said. "It's a craft, not a science."

Miller said a farmer with horses can earn triple or more the earnings 
per acre than one farmed by agribusiness.

Ron VanGrunsven farms about 50 acres with horses near Council, Idaho, 
and has used horses for years there and in Oregon's Willamette Valley.

"They're more economical," he said. "They raise their own 
replacements, you can train them yourself and raise their feed."

A mare can produce a foal every year or so, and Miller says that, if 
properly trained, one can bring about $2,000 after two years.

A plow horse usually lasts 16 or 18 years, Miller said. He said he 
looks after his stable of nine carefully and veterinarian bills 
rarely total $200 a year.

VanGrunsven said a two-horse team and a farmer can plow about an acre 
and a half a day if the ground is right and that an acre usually 
produces more than enough hay to feed a horse for a year.

"Most of my equipment is not new," said VanGrunsven. "It is from the 
1930s or earlier. It has been repaired and cleaned up. ... The older 
things were designed so they could be fixed if they broke. When newer 
things break, they have to be replaced."

Horse farming was common until the end of World War II, when the 
government and manufacturers started promoting mechanization to soak 
up the surplus industrial capacity, Miller said.

Horses could often be used as down payments for tractors, he 
said, "and they went to the glue factories by the hundreds of 

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