--- In protest-ro@yahoogroups.com, Des <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Sincer prefer 55% din tarani care sa aduca ceva la
> buget decat 100% care nu contribuie la buget decat
> prin taxa pe taraba cand vine de vinde ceva prin
> piata, asta daca inchiriaza o taraba,!!

taxa pe taraba e platita de tigani care detin
monopolul pietelor din Romania.

Situatia s-a schimbat. 
IN perioada interbelica erau talmudicii care faceau comertul,
astazi sunt tiganii. Tot ei domina in parlamentul romanesc
unde figureaza in cele mai inalte posturi.

Hai sa fim seriosi.

>    Mai degraba vor muri:) satele noastre sa nu uitam
> sunt populate de oameni bine trecuti de 50 de ani in
> marea lor parte

daca n-ai mai fost in mediul rural e clar ca nu-l cunosti.
nu ma mira. Cu totii ne tragem de la tara, cu toate astea
multi dintre noi n-au mai calcat prin sate de mult timp,
eventual pe sosea.

Credeam ca recentele inundatii vi-au scos la iveala cate
ceva din viata satelor din Romania.

> well aici sunt de acord, da este si asta o afacere ce
> aduce fonduri nu. Propun un proiect guvernamental de
> promovare a bodegii de la tara. 

in fine, mistouri si mistouri, unii aici in occident propun

By JULIA SILVERMAN, AP Education Writer 
Fri Jul 22, 7:44 AM ET

CORVALLIS, Ore. - Plenty of college kids still subsist on a steady 
diet of ramen noodles, cold cereal and beer to wash it all down. Not 
Nate France. The crop and soil sciences major at Oregon State 
University here wouldn't dream of following the well-beaten path to 
the local Carl Jr.'s for cheap, mammoth burgers. 

Instead, every Thursday afternoon until the sun sets, France helps 
till and tend to a pocket-sized, student-run organic farm on a couple 
of soil-rich acres just outside this western Oregon college town.

"I sowed some corn while it was raining, and then I tamped down the 
soil too much — it caked up, hard as a brick, and the corn plants 
couldn't come up," said France, 27, who dreams out loud about farming 
his own land someday. "This next time, I know to mix manure in. This 
is like a trial by fire, a way to make mistakes before it matters too 

In the last decade or so, student-run farms have cropped up across 
the country, at almost 60 schools in 27 states. Foodies call it the 
latest sign of the seasonal, regional food movement's influence, even 
on a collegiate landscape that's virtually paved with Hot Pockets, 
Pop Tarts and leftover pizza.

Over the past few years, about 200 schools have signed up with farm-
to-college programs, which match up local farmers with area 
universities, according to the Venice, Calif.-based Community Food 
Security Coalition. The University of Montana in Missoula, for 
example, allocates about $425,000 to local meat, dairy and wheat 
products, about 17 percent of the school's overall food budget.

At Brown University, in Providence, R.I., dining hall purchasers 
started swapping Granny Smiths and Red Delicious for locally grown 
Macouns and Pippins. Apple consumption tripled, and the experiment 
extended to locally grown tomatoes and peaches, milk from Rhode 
Island dairies and, eventually, a farmers' market that set up shop 
outside the dining hall.

"I was carrying a flat of local peaches into the dining hall once, it 
was like having bread at the beach and having seagulls following me," 
said Louella Hill, a recent Brown graduate who helped organized the 
on-campus farmers' market. "People were grabbing peaches and eating 
them before I could get to the fruit bowl."

But student farms, which range from half an acre to 200, turn 
students themselves into growers.

Some student farmers, like those at Dartmouth College in New 
Hampshire, sell the fruits of their labor at on-campus farmstands, 
while the bounty from the University of Idaho at Moscow gets parceled 
out each week to community members who have prepaid for baskets of 
whatever's fresh.

Some student farms supply their dining halls with fresh produce, 
while others sell directly to restaurants. At Colorado State 
University's student farm, what doesn't get sold on campus or eaten 
by volunteers is donated to local food pantries.

"I, like students, like the social aspects of working in the garden, 
and being able to connect with other similar-minded people," said 
Debra Guenther, a Colorado State horiculture research associate who 
helps run the student farm.

In Corvallis, the fat green fava beans, pearly garlic, broccoli and 
lettuce harvested on a recent Thursday are for sale the next morning 
at an on-campus, unstaffed booth; payment is on the honor system and 
helps support the farm.

This time of year rows of tomatoes and eggplants nod in the sun, 
waiting for their moment in late August, and a tiny patch of 
strawberries grows nearly wild — just enough for eating, not for 
selling. After four hours or so of weeding, harvesting and planting, 
students have a communal meal.

"It's nice during school to be able to go out and get my hands 
dirty," said Kevin McAlpin, 22, an Oregon State junior majoring in 
natural resources who was on his hands and knees weeding a lettuce 
bed. "It's stress relief."

Some student farms stretch back decades, but the Oregon State one was 
begun in 2001. Previous attempts to start a farm had failed when 
students found that gardening was a year-round job, said James 
Cassidy, an instructor in the soil physics lab, who has become the 
group's leader.

Now, Cassidy, a former bass player for the '80s dance 
group "Information Society" who nourished an interest in soil even as 
group churned out hits like "Pure Energy," is an undisputed garden 

"It's like working in a kitchen," he said. "Gardening is not a 

Cassidy dreams of planting canola seeds one day to extract oil to 
make the biodiesel necessary to power a tractor and of expanding the 
farm by eight more acres. 

"Creative people are coming to this," he said. "It gives students an 
opportunity to put a seed in the ground and see what happens." 

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