On 7/27/2010 9:01 AM, joel falcou wrote:
> what about having some Tree related trasnform/function/meta-function then ?
> I'm often thinking : "dang, this transform is basically a BFS for a node
> verifying meta-function foo<>"
> and have to rewrite a BFS usign default_ and such, which is relatively
> easy.
> Now, sometimes it is "dang, this code is basically splitting an AST into
> multiples AST everytime I found a bar tag" or "I need to do a DFS"
> or even worse, I need to make the AST a DAG :E ...
> Do people think such stuff (maybe in proto::tree:: or smthg ?) be useful
> additions ?

That would be awesome, Joel!

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
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