On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 4:22 PM, George Georgiev <georgi.georg...@citrix.com
> wrote:

>  I think that protoc already has a compromise with pure compiler
> functionality - namely placing the java class in the package subfolder.
> Since you have so strong fillings not to make another compromise you
> probably will consider to remove the pervious one, or at least to make it
> optional?

protoc outputs multiple files -- e.g. if you give it multiple inputs or if
you use the java_multiple_files option.  So the output location has to be a
directory.  And anyway, it's Java that imposes the rules about directory

I have been considering adding an option to output to a .jar file instead of
a directory.  This would get you a trivially-predictable output while still
following Java's rules about directory layout.

BTW, this may not be helpful to you, but the Java code generator is already
capable of generating a separate file containing a list of outputs by
invoking it like:

  protoc my.proto --java_out=output_list_file=list.txt:path/to/outdir

This will place a file "list.txt" into the output directory (path/to/outdir)
which is a simple text file listing the names of the other files generated,
one per line.

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