On 12/09/2009 09:12 PM, Kenton Varda wrote:
> Coincidentally, last weekend I started working on an open source
> protobuf-based RPC system.  Currently I am defining a socket-level
> protocol, but I also intend to support an HTTP-level protocol with
> optional JSON encoding to allow calls from Javascript.  I stuck some
> totally undocumented code here:

Thanks. My intention of having it over http is that it can communicate 
with other languages. I'd be good if we can synchronize our protocols.

I need to make some changes based on what you said on another thread, 
and then I'll make my java basic server code available.

> http://pbcap.googlecode.com
> But some coworkers pointed out that the name is confusingly similar to
> "pcap", so I'm planning to change it.
> Currently this is not an official Google project; I'm working on it in
> my spare time.
> 2009/12/9 Romain François <francoisrom...@free.fr
> <mailto:francoisrom...@free.fr>>
>     A request looks like this :
>     -----------------------------------------------------
>     POST /{service full name}/{method name} HTTP/1.0
> I would recommend against putting the service type name in the URL.
>   This makes it impossible to export two services of the same type.
>   Instead, you should allow the application to register services under
> any name it chooses.

Fair enough. Maybe adding some protobuf specific headers :

ProtobufService: {service full name}
ProtobufMethod: {method full name}

or encode it as parameters of the url as you said.

> I'd also suggest making the method name be part of the query, like:
>    POST /someservice?method={method name}
> This may be a matter of taste, but I feel like a service object should
> be a single HTTP "resource", rather than have each method be a separate
> resource.
>     Connection: close
> Why not allow pipelining?

this was simpler to do a one shot service call, but indeed why not.

>     Content-Length: {length of the serialized message}
>     {raw bytes of the serialized message}
>     -----------------------------------------------------
>     And a successful response looks like this:
>     -----------------------------------------------------
>     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>     Content-length: {length of the serialized response}
>     {raw bytes of the serialized response}
>     -----------------------------------------------------
>     Since this is very early in this, I wondered if others would have views
>     on this.
>     http is quite verbose for sending protobuf message around, but it is
>     likely to be implemented for a lot of languages.
>     Regards,
>     Romain

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
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