On 12/10/2009 05:30 PM, Marc Gravell wrote:
> For info only, protobuf-net currently uses:
> internal const string HTTP_RPC_VERSION_HEADER = "pb-net-rpc";
> internal const string HTTP_RPC_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-protobuf";
> (version for my own internal purposes, in case I need to change the body
> layout)
> Re the sockets point also raised; there's a lot of difference between
> raw sockets and http; it would be good to get some kind of "official"
> http transport working - people can always add raw later...?

Totally. From your posts and Pavels, what about :

request :

POST /{root}/{service full name}/{method name} HTTP/1.0
Content-Length: {length of the serialized message}
Content-Type: application/x-protobuf

{raw bytes of the serialized message}

(and some other headers)

successful response :

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: {length of the serialized response}
Content-Type: application/x-protobuf

{raw bytes of the serialized response}

error :

HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Length: {length of error message}
Content-Type: text/html

{some error message}


> I'd rather
> not get bogged down in trying to predict every nuance of sockets, when
> people can always (for now) "do their own thing" using protocol buffers
> just for serialization.
> Marc
> 2009/12/10 Romain François <francoisrom...@free.fr
> <mailto:francoisrom...@free.fr>>
>     On 12/10/2009 04:30 PM, Pavel Shramov wrote:
>         On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 12:10:33PM +0100, Romain François wrote:
>             Hello,
>             Following Kenton's advice, I'm starting to look at
>             implementing protobuf
>             rpc over http. I have started to work on a basic java server
>             (based on
>             the com.sun.net.httpserver class). I will post this at some
>             point when I
>             am happier with it (currently it can only serve one dummy
>             service that
>             returns the input message as is)
>             A request looks like this :
>             -----------------------------------------------------
>             POST /{service full name}/{method name} HTTP/1.0
>             Connection: close
>             Content-Length: {length of the serialized message}
>             {raw bytes of the serialized message}
>             -----------------------------------------------------
>         I'm using method name encoded in query part of URL like
>         /base/url?Service.Method
>     That seems odd. Why not /base/url?service=Service&method=Method
>     instead ?
>         Also it's seem useful to provide Content-Type to distinguish
>         between different
>         encodings of message (for example JSON).
>     Yep. Will add this.
>             And a successful response looks like this:
>             -----------------------------------------------------
>             HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>             Content-length: {length of the serialized response}
>             {raw bytes of the serialized response}
>             -----------------------------------------------------
>         Also it may be useful to state that errors are transmitted as
>         body of
>         500 Internal Server Error response.
>         For my implementation You may see [1] and [2] for python and C++
>         HTTP client.
>     I will. So this makes 3 very similar http based protocols, but
>     slightly different. We should come to an agreement. :-)
>                                 Pavel
>         [1] http://grid.pp.ru/wiki/pbufrpc
>         [2] http://grid.pp.ru/cgit/pbufrpc

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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