On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 09:48:29PM +0000, Marc Gravell wrote:
> Re the whole "what should an endpoint url look like" thing - I had a similar
> discussion with a user re protobuf-net; in the end it was quicker to just
> *default* to the former (since it doesn't need any extra specification), but
> *support* both - so the code detects key strings in the supplied url and
> works some magic.
Ok. But defaults may vary :)
> i.e. if I give it the endpoint: "http://foo/foocorp";
> then it uses "http://foo/foocorp/myservice/somemethod";
> but if I give it the endpoint "http://foo/foocorp?svc={service}&act={action}
> "
> it uses "http://foo/foocorp?svc=myservice&action=somemethod";
> And so I can officially say "I don't care" about this discussion - either
> suits me without any code-changes ;-p
I've added support for user defined URLs too (in python %(xxx)s format).

So at least we may have clients compatible to different servers...

As I understand other aspects (error encoding, content type) are common in
all HTTP implementations? May be we'll run some compatibility tests?

I've set one at http://psha.org.ru/pbuftest/?{service}.{action}



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