First thought: what language / platform is this? the C++ generated code is
very different to the Java generated code, for example

Second thought: 2.6 is pretty old; it is very possible that a bug existed
and has been fixed since then (Aug 2014) - does it still happen with more
recent releases?

The scenario you present seems fine and reasonable.


On 10 April 2018 at 03:46, Tony Tony <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a strange case I'm dealing with. Using protobuf compiler 2.6.
> Every time I send a certain set of values over my socket, it ends up with
> missing data. Although I've compared the string received after
> serialization on the server and on receiving the string on the client and
> they are exactly the same, yet the values are all -1.
> I've attached a snippet of the proto file below.
> At this point these are below combos that always fail
> type=99, count= 0, index = 1 (all values are -1 after deserialization)
> type=99, count=99, index= 1 (works)
> type=99999, count=999999, index= 1 (works)
> - Basically anytime count is 0, all the values seem to be -1. However if I
> make type 0, the same behavior does not occur. Am I missing something or
> there is some underlying bug in my code? Again I've checked multiple times
> the correct raw string data is being sent (with correct size). I use the
> parseFromString method to parse the receiving string data.
> - I've sent plenty of other types of data just fine.
> - There are other messages defined in the same protobuf packet definition
> file, can that make a difference?
> message packet {
> required int32 type = 1 [default = -1];
> required int32 count = 2 [default = -1];
> required int32 index = 3 [default = -1];
> }
> Thanks
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