Oddly neither of those is correct! The actual hex should be:


which is the first version minus some trailing data. The second version is
not valid at all - it isn't just missing data: it is an incomplete and
invalid payload. Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with the C++ API to
advise on whether you're using the wrong method vs this being a bug.

On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 01:12 Tony Tony, <xxteknolus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I upgraded to 3.5.0, same issue.
> I guess I should give some more information: I'm basically using protobuf
> to serialize/deserialize string data I'm sending through a games socket
> implementation via hooks/code caves in the games network engine. I
> currently can validate that the bytes after serialization are sent over
> completely to the client. After looking at the decoded output that you guys
> recommended, I do see some differences.
> - When I send type=1, count=99, index=1, the server shows the below bytes
> after serialization and the client shows these bytes after receiving the
> data. The decoding tool shows the correct content.
> 08 03 1A 06 08 01 10 63 18 01 FD FD FD FD
> - When I send type=1, count=0, index=1, the server shows the below bytes
> after serialization and the client shows these bytes after receiving the
> data. The decoding tool basically shows no content, which is obvious from
> the missing data.
> 08 03 1A 06 08
> The biggest difference is that it seems the during serialization on the
> server, this combo of data seems to break everything. I guess I'm not sure
> why this combo of data would break during serialization. I posted some
> pseudo code of where the problem occurs for that combo of data below. It's
> just strange that only that combo of data above results in this behavior. I
> am able to send large strings just fine, plenty of other data types with no
> issues (well none that I've found yet..)
> Packet pak;
> pak.set_type(Packet_Type_set_info);
> set_info *setter = pak.mutable_set_info();
> setter->set_count(99);
> setter->set_type(0);
> setter->set_index(1);
> char* SendBuf = new char[pak.ByteSize()];
> pak.SerializeToArray(SendBuf, pak.ByteSize());
> //TODO: the bytes seem to be wrong right after this point for the second
> combo of data
> //we send before we delete the sendBuf
> delete[] SendBuf;
> On Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 12:41:30 PM UTC-4, Adam Cozzette wrote:
>> I think Marc is right that it would be best to isolate the problem by
>> manually checking that the bytes are valid.
>> Tony, how are you framing the messages? Protocol buffers do not describe
>> their own size and so you have to know what size to expect before you parse
>> a proto. The typical approach is to frame the serialized messages by
>> prefixing them with their size. It's easy to get this wrong, though, so
>> that could potentially be the reason that the messages aren't showing up as
>> you expect.
>> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 7:28 AM Marc Gravell <marc.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Well, if it was me: the first thing I'd do is isolate whether it is
>>> serialize or deserialize that is failing - by taking your currently
>>> serialized data as a flat file or byte dump, and checking whether the
>>> values are right or wrong.
>>> Depending on the volume and layout of the data, you might be able to use
>>> protoc's inbuilt decode mechanisms, or (as long as it isn't huge) you're
>>> welcome to try using https://protogen.marcgravell.com/decode
>>> That would allow you to focus your checks.
>>> Marc
>>> On 10 April 2018 at 14:20, Tony Tony <xxtekn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> c++/windows
>>>> I'll upgrade protobuf and see if issue goes away. Just wanted to make
>>>> sure I'm not missing anything. Is there any additional troubleshooting I
>>>> can look into to troubleshoot further if the recent release reproduce the
>>>> issue?
>>>> On Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 1:46:50 AM UTC-4, Marc Gravell wrote:
>>>>> First thought: what language / platform is this? the C++ generated
>>>>> code is very different to the Java generated code, for example
>>>>> Second thought: 2.6 is pretty old; it is very possible that a bug
>>>>> existed and has been fixed since then (Aug 2014) - does it still happen
>>>>> with more recent releases?
>>>>> The scenario you present seems fine and reasonable.
>>>>> Marc
>>>>> On 10 April 2018 at 03:46, Tony Tony <xxtekn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a strange case I'm dealing with. Using protobuf compiler 2.6.
>>>>>> Every time I send a certain set of values over my socket, it ends up
>>>>>> with missing data. Although I've compared the string received after
>>>>>> serialization on the server and on receiving the string on the client and
>>>>>> they are exactly the same, yet the values are all -1.
>>>>>> I've attached a snippet of the proto file below.
>>>>>> At this point these are below combos that always fail
>>>>>> type=99, count= 0, index = 1 (all values are -1 after deserialization)
>>>>>> type=99, count=99, index= 1 (works)
>>>>>> type=99999, count=999999, index= 1 (works)
>>>>>> - Basically anytime count is 0, all the values seem to be -1. However
>>>>>> if I make type 0, the same behavior does not occur. Am I missing 
>>>>>> something
>>>>>> or there is some underlying bug in my code? Again I've checked multiple
>>>>>> times the correct raw string data is being sent (with correct size). I 
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> the parseFromString method to parse the receiving string data.
>>>>>> - I've sent plenty of other types of data just fine.
>>>>>> - There are other messages defined in the same protobuf packet
>>>>>> definition file, can that make a difference?
>>>>>> message packet {
>>>>>> required int32 type = 1 [default = -1];
>>>>>> required int32 count = 2 [default = -1];
>>>>>> required int32 index = 3 [default = -1];
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> --
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>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Marc
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>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Marc
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