I read that protobuf has a type called "*bytes*" which can store arbitrary 
number of bytes and is the equivalent of "C++ string". 

The reason why I don't prefer to use "bytes" is that it expects input as a 
C++ string i.e., boost IP will need to be converted to a string. 

Now my concern lies here : I want to perform serialize and send the encoded 
protobuf message over TCP socket. I want to ensure that the *encoded 
message size is as small as possible*.

Currently, I am using the below .proto file :

syntax = "proto2";

message profile


repeated *uint32* localEndpoint = 1;

repeated *uint32* remoteEndpoint = 2;


In order to save boost IP in the protobuf message, I am first converting 
boost IP into byte-format array by using 
"boost::asio::ip::address_v4::to_bytes()". So for a v4 IP, resultant array 
size is 8. Then I am converting 1st 4 bytes from the resultant byte-array 
into one uint32_t number and then storing in "localEndpoint" field of the 
protobuf message. Likewise, I repeat for the next 4 bytes. I am taking 4 
bytes at a time so as to utilize full 32 bits of the uint32.

Hence for a v4 address, 2 occurrence of "localEndpoint" field is used. 
Similarly, for a v6 address, 4 occurrence of "localEndpoint" field is used.

Please allow me to highlight that if I had used "bytes" here, my input 
string itself would have been of size 15 bytes for a v4 ip like

Using uint32 instead of "bytes" does save me some encoded-data-size but I 
am looking for a more efficient protobuf type requiring lesser number of 

Sorry for a long description but I wanted to explain my query in details. 
Please help me.. Thanks a lot in advance :)

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