Thanks Marc, I am gonna try fixed32.

I will update on my findings.

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018, 15:40 Marc Gravell <> wrote:

> The first step, then, is to find how to get your ipv4 in a 4 byte
> std::string rather than a 15 byte std::string - I can't advise on that, but
> it should absolutely be possible. You don't need it as ASCII - you just
> want the bytes.
> As for will it be longer? No, especially when compared to uint32; a 4-byte
> "bytes" will take 5 bytes to encode (1 byte for the length prefix, 4 bytes
> payload); the uint32 with value composed of 4 bytes with value 111 will be
> varint-encoded, so will be 5 bytes (since the penultimate high bit is set);
> in fact, anything with the most-significant byte having value 16 or above
> will require 5 bytes to encode as uint32. Now, you *could* encode an ipv4
> using "fixed32", which will always take 4 bytes, but... if you do that, you
> can't conveniently store ipv6 in the same field. So: since you mention
> needing to store both ipv4 and ipv6, "repeated bytes" is your simplest
> option. And as above: it isn't any more expensive than "uint32" (for most
> IPs).
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2018 at 10:58, sanjana gupta <>
> wrote:
>> I would like to understand from the protobuf generated API point of view:
>> If I have,
>> repeated bytes localEndpoint = 1;
>> The generated file profile.pb.h shows me the following APIs to add+set
>> values in it :
>>   // repeated bytes localEndpoint = 1;
>> *  inline void add_localendpoint(const ::std::string& value);*
>> *  inline void add_localendpoint(const char* value);*
>> *  inline void add_localendpoint(const void* value, size_t size);*
>> If I use any of them, perhaps my boost::asio::ip::address_v4
>> ( needs to be converted to a std::string and then only I
>> can use add_localendpoint() to set a value.
>> Am I correct?
>> If the conversion to string is done, isn't the size of protobuf message
>> going to be more compared to the case of using
>> repeated uint32 localEndpoint = 1;
>> ?
>> Please let me know if I have confused you :) Thanks again!
>> On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 3:08:52 PM UTC+5:30, Marc Gravell wrote:
>>> I would be amazed if there isn't a way of getting the raw underlying
>>> bytes from the IP address, rather than the text (ASCII). The address
>>> is literally the 4 bytes with decimal values 111, 111, 111
>>> and 111. No ASCII required.
>>> On Wed, 18 Jul 2018, 10:28 sanjana gupta, <> wrote:
>>>> Hey Marc,
>>>> I am sorry if I am repeating my words. Please enlighten me on this
>>>> thing :
>>>> "bytes" requires me to give a std::string (c++) value as input. The
>>>> problem with string for me is that a usual 4-byte ipv4 address like
>>>> becomes 15-bytes string ""
>>>> Having said that, I feel discouraged to use bytes over uint32 (or int
>>>> type for that matter) as it already increases the *size of the data to
>>>> be encoded*. As a result, we can say that :
>>>> size of (encoded message using "bytes" type)  >  size of (encoded
>>>> message using "int" type)
>>>> Is my understanding correct? Thanks!
>>>> On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 2:40:01 PM UTC+5:30, Marc Gravell wrote:
>>>>> At that point I'd probably use "repeated bytes", then. It'll cost you
>>>>> an extra byte on v4 addresses, but it is simple.
>>>>> On Wed, 18 Jul 2018, 09:36 sanjana gupta, <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Marc for your reply! By mistake I wrote 8-bytes for ipv4. I
>>>>>> have corrected it as 4-bytes in my question. Thanks for that :)
>>>>>> One thing I want to ask you is that can I use "oneof" if my field
>>>>>> "localEndpoint" is repeated?
>>>>>> I mean to say that my one "profile" message can have any among :
>>>>>> -> 2 ipv4 addresses
>>>>>> -> OR 2 ipv6 addresses
>>>>>> -> OR 1 ipv4 + 1 ipv6 addresses
>>>>>> in the field "localEndpoint".
>>>>>> So in that case, is "oneof" usage correct? I think that a "oneof"
>>>>>> cannot be repeated. Please correct me if I am wrong.
>>>>>> On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 12:54:39 PM UTC+5:30, Marc Gravell
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> You should be able to encode ipv4 in 4 bytes, making fixed32 ideal,
>>>>>>> since you can avoid the length prefix. For ipv6, you're going to need 16
>>>>>>> bytes, so "bytes" is probably your best bet, since it will only require 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> single header. You can then create a union of those:
>>>>>>>     oneof ip_addr {
>>>>>>>         fixed32 v4 = 1;
>>>>>>>         bytes v6 = 2;
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>> That seems pretty optimal to me.
>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>>> On Wed, 18 Jul 2018, 08:16 sanjana gupta, <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I read that protobuf has a type called "*bytes*" which can store
>>>>>>>> arbitrary number of bytes and is the equivalent of "C++ string".
>>>>>>>> The reason why I don't prefer to use "bytes" is that it expects
>>>>>>>> input as a C++ string i.e., boost IP will need to be converted to a 
>>>>>>>> string.
>>>>>>>> Now my concern lies here : I want to perform serialize and send the
>>>>>>>> encoded protobuf message over TCP socket. I want to ensure that the 
>>>>>>>> *encoded
>>>>>>>> message size is as small as possible*.
>>>>>>>> Currently, I am using the below .proto file :
>>>>>>>> syntax = "proto2";
>>>>>>>> message profile
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>> repeated *uint32* localEndpoint = 1;
>>>>>>>> repeated *uint32* remoteEndpoint = 2;
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> In order to save boost IP in the protobuf message, I am first
>>>>>>>> converting boost IP into byte-format array by using
>>>>>>>> "boost::asio::ip::address_v4::to_bytes()". So for a v4 IP, resultant 
>>>>>>>> array
>>>>>>>> size is 8. Then I am converting 1st 4 bytes from the resultant 
>>>>>>>> byte-array
>>>>>>>> into one uint32_t number and then storing in "localEndpoint" field of 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> protobuf message. Likewise, I repeat for the next 4 bytes. I am taking 
>>>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>>> bytes at a time so as to utilize full 32 bits of the uint32.
>>>>>>>> Hence for a v4 address, 2 occurrence of "localEndpoint" field is
>>>>>>>> used. Similarly, for a v6 address, 4 occurrence of "localEndpoint" 
>>>>>>>> field is
>>>>>>>> used.
>>>>>>>> Please allow me to highlight that if I had used "bytes" here, my
>>>>>>>> input string itself would have been of size 15 bytes for a v4 ip like
>>>>>>>> Using uint32 instead of "bytes" does save me some encoded-data-size
>>>>>>>> but I am looking for a more efficient protobuf type requiring lesser 
>>>>>>>> number
>>>>>>>> of bytes.
>>>>>>>> Sorry for a long description but I wanted to explain my query in
>>>>>>>> details. Please help me.. Thanks a lot in advance :)
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> Regards,
> Marc

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