On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Eagy, Taylor <te...@blackbirdtech.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I've been using Qpid for the past several months and I really like it.
> However, I've mainly just been using it to pass messages between several
> Python processes running on the same machine, so using Qpid is probably
> overkill. Then I noticed Proton and got excited. Ideally I'm looking for a
> fast, lightweight, and portable queueing library preferrably in Python. Are
> there any roadmap plans to create a Proton Python broker/engine? I looked
> at RabbitMQ, but read the performance wasn't as good as Qpid. I was looking
> into the examples and noticed you could implement your own queueing server
> in Python, but it's not exactly portable since I'd have to build it for
> Linux and Windows.


To answer the question in your subject first, Proton isn't an alternative
to Qpid per/se, rather it's a component of Qpid. The latest release of the
cpp broker uses proton to provide AMQP 1.0 support, and we plan to use it
in future releases of the Java broker also. That said, Proton is definitely
intended to be used independently of either the cpp or Java broker, and can
be used without either (i.e. peer to peer), so in that sense the answer to
your question is yes.

There is definitely interest in building a lightweight queuing component
that works well with Proton and can be flexibly deployed in a variety of
topologies, and even dynamically/transparently redeployed at runtime. A
python prototype has been discussed as a starting point for some of this
work, and there has been other work ongoing both in terms of re-factoring
the cpp broker and in terms of prototyping new servers that may ultimately

Why do you think your own queuing server built in python wouldn't be
portable? Can you describe a little bit more about your scenario, e.g. do
you need persistence, transactions, etc ...? Do you have any particular
performance requirements? Can you describe your messaging topology at all?


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