That would be great!

Let me have a dig around over the weekend and see if I can find it (I have
*lots* of machines where it might be on :-( I should probably be more


On 14 June 2013 16:01, Leon Mlakar <> wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> thanks for reply. It got me thinking ... since Data interface is not a
> history and will be around, to do things The Right Way I'll have to
> implement parts of it myself anyway. So I might as well take a shot in
> adding missing 70%, or at least some part of them, on top of your 30% :-).
> Is there any chance for you to you dig up what you've got so far and get it
> over to me somehow?
> Best regards,
> Leon
>  Hi Leon,
>> As you have noticed a pure Java implementation of the Data interface is
>> not
>> yet available (I think I have a 30% complete implementation sitting
>> somewhere on an old laptop, but I never got round to finishing it).  It
>> will get implemented eventually, but it's not currently being worked on as
>> far as I know.
>> The Java implementation was built upon a codec which serializes objects in
>> Java form into AMQP binary data. On the Java implementation of the Message
>> class there is a method setBody(Section body).  So, in Java, to send an
>> "amqp value" message containing a map, you could do something like:
>> import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.**messaging.AmqpValue;
>> import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.**Symbol;
>> ...
>> Map map = new LinkedHashMap();
>> map.put("symbol", Symbol.valueOf("a symbol"));
>> map.put("int", 21);
>> ...
>> AmqpValue body = new AmqpBody(map);
>> message.setBody(body);
>> Hope this helps,
>> Rob
>> On 14 June 2013 15:22, Leon Mlakar <> wrote:
>>  Hello everybody,
>>> I've been following this list for quite a while but so far had no reason
>>> to take part in discussions.
>>> However, these days I'm porting some C++ code that is using Proton-C to
>>> talk to peers to Java. The C++ code uses pn_data_put_* functions from
>>> codec module to compose the body of the message and pn_data_get_*
>>> counterparts to decompose it at the other end.
>>> In Java, the Proton-Api's Data interface (org.apache.qpid.proton.codec)
>>> seems to provide the same functionality. But as far as I could see no
>>> class is actually implementing the interface, and the
>>> DataFactoryImpl.createData(****long) is only throwing the exception
>>> which
>>> indicates that this operation is not supported. I've seen this in both
>>> 0.4 package and on the Git's trunk.
>>> Is this a part of functionality that is merely not implemented yet, or
>>> something that is not planned to get implemented at all? In either case,
>>> what would be the alternate methods to put together the message body in
>>> a way that could be understood by C++ code? And vice versa?
>>> The use of Java bindings to Proton-C is not the preferred way to go.
>>> Thanks and best regards,
>>> Leon

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