Great, well done figuring it out!

Care to vote yet? :)


On 13 August 2015 at 21:16, Andrew Stitcher <> wrote:
> I've now figured out the issue (and it's an instructive problem):
> PROTON-979: [1]
> It seems that both OpenSSL and Cyrus SASL have interacting global
> state. If SASL gets to initialise libcrypto first then when the SSL
> code tries to do it it fails.
> Just another emphasis that neither openssl nor Cyrus sasl is really
> suitable to be used as part of a library.
> [1]
> On Wed, 2015-08-12 at 17:41 -0400, Andrew Stitcher wrote:
>> I've tested proton-c on ubuntu1404, ubuntu1204 & FreeBSD 10.1p17
>> Ubuntu 1204 builds and ctests fine.
>> This is our the OS on our travis CI so it's not a surprise it works.
>> Ubuntu 1404 - I'm having problems with the "python" tests and SSL -
>> investigating whether this is my config or something more. This is a
>> little worrying
>> FreeBSD - I'm getting test failures in
>> proton_tests.messenger.SelectableMessengerTest.testSelectable*
>> This might reflect some difference in poll() behaviour.
>> I'm also getting failures in
>> ...*_valgrind with output like this...
>> AssertionError: Unexpected input while waiting for receiver to
>> initialize: ==12271== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>> Which seems like valgrind detected use of an uninitialised value.
>> I don't know it this is in proton or one of the lib it uses yet.
>> Not sure if FreeBSD is important enough to care too much, but it
>> should
>> work.
>> [so no -1 yet, but investigating. IMO the FreeBSD failures aren't
>> enough to reject the release, but the Ubuntu failures might be]
>> Andrew
>> On Tue, 2015-08-11 at 21:08 +0100, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I have put up a third cut for 0.10, please test it and vote
>> > accordingly.
>> >
>> > Since RC2 there have been fixes for PROTON-978, PROTON-975, and
>> > PROTON-899.
>> >
>> > The release archive and sig/checksums can be grabbed from:
>> >
>> >
>> > Maven artifacts for the Java bits can be found in a temporary
>> > staging
>> > repo at:
>> >
>> > 42
>> >
>> > It is tagged as 0.10-rc3. You may need to fetch the tags explicitly
>> > to
>> > see it, e.g: "git fetch --tags"
>> >
>> > Regards,

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