On Wed, 2015-09-09 at 15:57 +0000, Clemens Vasters wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I agree that the server should only offer EXTERNAL when the client
> has presented a valid cert.
> We have the case that we still want to use PLAIN or ANONYMOUS even in
> that case, however, since we'll want to use a particular permissions
> -bound key not representable by the cert, or differentiated per-node
> (link) access control with the AMQP claims-based model,

This is a new thing to me - do you have a pointer to documentationa
about the "claims-based" (access control?) model.

> So I/we would really like to have an override hook for this. The
> flags seem cheap; a    pn_messenger_set_allowed_sasl_mechs() 
>  function would be just as cheap. Advantage of the flag is that it
> integrates nicely with flag that's already there. 

As I said I'm not against this - I significantly prefer a new API
rather than flags for the reasons I stated earlier.
pn_messenger_set_allowed_sasl_mechs() seems like a reasonable (if
wordy) name (together with an accessor pn_messenger_get_...).

> For the flags I've done the work and can send a PR. I also fixed the 
> bug I filed yesterday about pn_messenger_set_flags in one go as it's 
> the same function.

Can you point me at the JIRA for this bug?



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