
I'm all for it myself.

I even had implemented it for and had to revert because it was
making our tests fail.

The problem is that the doScroll technique can trigger the dom:loaded
event *after* window.onload, notably on short pages. Delegating to
window.onload in that case doesn't work, as it's not ordered in IE...
so that's the first thing to solve.

Not impossible, of course, so any implementation that passes our
current tests is more than welcomed.



On Feb 25, 4:21 am, Diego Perini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't know if you already tried the doScroll("left") trick,
> many frameworks already implemented it, YUI and
> jQuery to name some, but Mootools have it in SVN
> and tools like sIFR already uses it.
> I proposed this to solve the fact that IE is missing
> such useful native method. I know many methods
> exists, each method having his own advantages
> and disadvantages. This trick is not different in
> that respect but it has some tasty advantages.
> This is a link to the original code and trick:
>    http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
> And here you can find a tentative test case / tester if you
> want to try out your own code / modifications:
>    http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/tester.php
> The current pre-loaded javascript is only for IE, but you
> may paste your code in the text area and see if
> it fires correctly in your preferred browser.
> Sorry for the colors...and shortness in general.
> Diego Perini
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