// if source is a method
$$(css).source()  -> equiv
$$(css)[0].source()  -> equiv
$$(css).first().source() -> equiv
you could always cache it
var source = $$(css).source();

// an array of sources
$$(css).invoke('source'); // OR
$$(css).each($$.source); //notice static $$.source method
$$(css)._each($$.source); // faster than all of them :P

if source is a property
//no soup for $$().<method>

//get height of first matched item (equivs)
$$(css)[0].getHeight(), and
$$(css).getHeight() are equivs.

// array of heights (equivs)

$$(css).update(...); //sets all matched items
$$(css).setStyle(...) //sets all matched items
$$(css).addClassName(...) // does it to all matched items
$$(css).show().observer('click', ...); // shows all matches and
attached an onclick observer to all of them.

// get element by id
$(id).source() or $(id).source (whichever we decide)
$(id).source()._prototypeWrapperID //the id that the cache looks at
$(id).source()._prototypeWrapperID -> [2]
// its an array with a number in it
because it wont transfer when you clone the node, this is how
its done in the current event system when element._prototypeEventID is

We mod Class.create to allow the "initialize" method to return a value
so then:
Prototype.NodeWrapper = Class.create({
  initialize: function(...) {
    // ...
    if (Prototype.isWrapper(element)) { // some check for wrapper
      return element;

    // ... resolve element from ID or whatnot

    var cacheID = (element._prototypeWrapperID || [null])[0];
    if (cacheID) {
      return Prototype.NodeWrapper.cache[cacheID];
   // set source, however that is decided on.
   this._source = element;
}, // ...

The reason we name it "source" instead of "element" or "dom"
is so we can always know what the source of a wrapper is without
having to guess if its an
Element wrapper to check for "element" if its an event wrapper to
check for .event.
we would know its always .source.

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