One of the downsides of the current $super-based implementations is
that it's ridiculously complicated to pass the whole set of arguments
to the parent's method (the equivalent of calling super without
passing any arguments in ruby):

var Child = Class.create(Parent, {
  doStuff: function($super) {
    return $super.apply(null,,
1)) + ' extra stuff';

The proposed implementation makes that dead easy and very

var Child = Class.create(Parent, {
  doStuff: function() {
    return this.applySuper('doStuff', arguments) + ' extra stuff';

On the other hand, you'd have to handle this like so with your
proposed implementation:

var Child = Class.create(Parent, {
  doStuff: function() {
    return this.getSuper('doStuff').apply(this, arguments) + ' extra

Which is a lot less elegant imho.

If speed is a concern, we could very well imagine storing a reference
to the superclass's prototype in the sublcass's prototype itself, so
that Class#applySuper could be changed to:

function applySuper(methodName, args) {
  return this._super[methodName].apply(this, args);

Finally, adding a base class seems like a good idea.

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