FWIW $super is *not* gone.

_I_ happen not to like it.

On Jan 5, 2:44 am, kangax <kan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 4, 7:12 pm, Tobie Langel <tobie.lan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > On the other hand, you'd have to handle this like so with your
> > proposed implementation:
> > var Child = Class.create(Parent, {
> >   doStuff: function() {
> >     return this.getSuper('doStuff').apply(this, arguments) + ' extra
> > stuff';
> >   }
> > });
> > Which is a lot less elegant imho.
> It is, no doubt, less elegant when passing `arguments` object along.
> It's, nevertheless, dead simple when working with actual named
> arguments.
> var Child = Class.create(Parent, {
>   doStuff: function(foo) {
>     return this.getSuper('doStuff')(foo);
>     // looks just as "elegant" as:
>     return this.callSuper('doStuff', foo);
>   }
> });
> I understand that "slicing" arguments into an actual array is not
> pleasant, but isn't it something irrelevant to "super" implementation?
> Now that `$super` as a first argument is gone, I don't see why it
> would be common to "slice(1)" arguments object. Having a reference to
> super method on the other hand gives a freedom to do anything you
> would do with a regular Function object - call, apply, bind, etc. I
> think requesting a reference to a function object is as
> "javascriptish" as it gets : )
> `this.getSuper('doStuff').apply(this, arguments)`
> is clearly not as nice as a special-cased:
> `this.applySuper('doStuff', arguments);`
> It seems like a too minor annoyance to worry about, but if many will
> find it useful - sure - let's add it.
> [...]
> Class.Base = Class.create({
>   getSuper: function(methodName) {
>     return this.constructor.superclass.prototype[methodName].bind
> (this);
>   }
> });
> var Person = Class.create(Class.Base, {
>   initialize: function(name) {
>     this.name = name;
>   },
>   say: function(message) {
>     return this.name + ': ' + message;
>   },
>   say2: function(){
>     return this.name + ': ' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, '
> ');
>   }
> });
> var Pirate = Class.create(Person, {
>   say: function(message) {
>     return this.getSuper('say')(message + ', Argh!');
>   },
>   say2: function() {
>     return this.getSuper('say2').apply(null, arguments) + ', Argh!'
>   }
> });
> (new Pirate('Joe')).say('Hi');
> (new Pirate('Joe')).say2('Hi', 'Bye');
> --
> kangax
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