On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:36 PM, ericindc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, in the online Ajax.Autocompleter document's Server Return
> section, it states that "the server must return an unordered list."
> So, in my server side PHP code I literally return a string containing
> the unordered list.

Autocompleter expects the following:

  <li>some item</li>
  <li>some other item</li>

It also expects a div to exist on the page with the ID that you pass
as the second argument when you are instantiating the autocompleter.

> Second, I'm having trouble getting my autocomplete code to work
> properly in Netscape 7, even though the exact same code works just
> fine in IE 6.  Are there any known bugs in Scriptaculous that could be
> causing this to fail.

Not sure about that. I know it works fine in IE6/7, Firefox 2/3,
Safari, Opera, Camino, but have never tested nor used NN7.

> Third, I've noticed in that typing in my input fast causes the
> autocomplete to attempt running but fail.  I see my indicator image
> flash on and then off, but no results are returned.

I've never seen behavior like that. I just tried and it had no
problems returning results that matched what I typed, regardless of
how fast I typed those two characters.

Can you link to a demo page exhibiting these bugs and also let us know
what browser/version you are experiencing the problems in?


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