On Nov 4, 11:37 am, "James Hoddinott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I'm not entirely sure if this is a bind issue, a defer issue or
> something else that I'm unaware of.
> The scenario is this; the page loads, when this is done an
> Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater call is made to load the 'dticketlist' with a
> list of live tickets. I want to be able to click on any one of those
> tickets and then load the full ticket data 'dmain'. The javascript I
> have so far is:
> Event.observe(window,'load',function() {
>     new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('dticketlist','data/fetchliveticketview.php',{
>         frequency:300,

Those are seconds, not milliseconds. Did you mean 0.3 (== 0.3sec ==

>         decay:2,
>         onSuccess:function(evt) {
>             $$('li.clickinc').invoke('observe','click',function(evt) {
>                 var elm;
>                 var id;
>                 elm = evt.element();
>                 id = elm.id || '(no id)';
>                 $('dmain').update('Updated text after clicking on '+id);
>             })
>         }
>     });
>     .....
> });
> This doesn't seem to do anything, not does Firebug report any errors.
> As a test, I created a page with the list already in it:
> <div id='dtest'><h6>Your Live Tickets</h6>
>  <ul>
>   <li id='M794751' class='clickinc'>M794751</li>
>   <li id='M784800' class='clickinc'>M784800</li>
>   <li id='M796555' class='clickinc'>M796555</li>
>   <li id='M791122' class='clickinc'>M791122</li>
>   <li id='M757562' class='clickinc'>M757562</li>
>   <li id='M747790' class='clickinc'>M747790</li>
>  </ul>
> <div id='dmain'>This will be updated</div>
> and used the following javascript:
> Event.observe(window,'load',function() {
>     $$('li.clickinc').invoke('observe','click',function(evt) {
>         var elm;
>         var id;
>         elm = evt.element();
>         id = elm.id || '(no id)';
>         $('dmain').update('Updated text after clicking on '+id);
>     });
> });
> and that works fine. So I don't really know if I need a bind here
> somewhere (having read copious articles and snippets I'm not that much
> wiser on its usage) or if infact I need a defer somewhere once the
> PeriodicalUpdater has run to let the DOM update?
> Or of course, I've got this completely wrong :) Any suggestions?
> --
> James Hoddinott

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