Thank you all - Kangax's low profile technique works like a champ.

Walter Lee: Regular expressions hurt my head. I will get there one

The actual thing I am working on take about 100 alpha/numeric
sequences of no real logical order... so making it in regular
expression would take far longer (for me) then juts stubbing the 100
sequences in there.

Thanks again all!!!!!

On Feb 5, 2:29 pm, kangax <> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 11:44 am, SWilk <> wrote:
> > Walter Lee Davis pisze:> Isn't that just /(V30000)|(B47242)|(V54000)/ ??
> > No, I think it is not.
> > I think it should be /^(V30000)|(B47242)|(V54000)$/
> > cause the 'bleblabliV30000anything' should not match ;)
> There's no need for so many parentheses, really:
> /^(V30000|B47242|V54000)$/
> --
> kangax
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