Hi Loris,

I think that your trouble is normal, because IE don't allow to
instantiate method on native object.
Generally it's not a good idea to extend native objects because your
not sure that another JS will not use the same method name !!


On 19 déc, 00:36, Loris <loris.men...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello, sorry for my bad English.
> I try to explain:
> I try to instantiate a class when the page loads, but when I happened
> on most browsers, I can not do it in Internet Explorer 7 or 6
> I call the script in my template, like this:
>     <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/veicoli-random.class.js"></
> script>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>         new VeicoliRandom('wrap-cont_veicoli_random',
> 'cont_veicoli_random', '{$url_pagina}');
>     </script>
> And the script contains:
> Random = Class.create();
> Random.prototype = {
>         wrap : null,
>         nomeWrap : null,
>         container : null,
>         nomeContainer : null,
>         url : null,
>         initialize : function(wrap, container, url)
>         {
>                 this.wrap = $(wrap);
>                 this.nomeWrap = wrap;
>                 this.container = $(container);
>                 this.nomeContainer = container;
>                 this.url = url;
>                 if ( this.url == '' )
>                         this.url = '/';
>                 if (!this.container || !this.wrap)
>                         return;
>                 this.arrotola.bind(this).delay(10);
>         },
>         arrotola : function()
>         {
>                 // nascondo la scritta sold, per IE
>                 var ElementiNIE = $$('#' + this.nomeContainer + ' 
> div.timbro-venduto-
> random');
>                 ElementiNIE.each( function(div) {
>                         div.addClassName('invisibileIE');
>                 });
>                 // arrotolo su
>                 Effect.BlindUp(this.wrap, { duration: 3 });
>                 this.aggiorna.bind(this).delay(5);
>         },
>         aggiorna : function ()
>         {
>                 // aggiorno
>                 var options = {onComplete : this.srotola.bind(this).delay(1)};
>                 new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, options);
>         },
>         srotola : function()
>         {
>                 this.wrap.setStyle({ display: 'none' });
>                 // srotolo giù
>                 Effect.BlindDown(this.wrap, { duration: 3 });
>                 this.arrotola.bind(this).delay(15);
>         },
> };
> Object.extend(document, {
>     isDocReady: false,
>     isDocLoaded: false,
>     ready: function(fn) { Event.observe(document, "doc:ready", fn); },
>     load: function(fn) { Event.observe(document, "doc:loaded", fn); }});
> Event.observe(document, "dom:loaded", function() {
>     Event.fire(document, "doc:ready");
>     document.isDocReady = true;
>     if (document.isDocLoaded)
>         Event.fire(document, "doc:loaded");});
> Event.observe(window, "load", function() {
>     document.isDocLoaded = true;
>     if (!document.isDocReady) return;
>     Event.fire(document, "doc:loaded");
> });
> // fa partire la vera classe al load della pagina
> VeicoliRandom = Class.create();
> VeicoliRandom.prototype = {
>         initialize : function(wrap, container, url)
>         {
>                 // Event.observe(window, 'load', new Random(wrap, container, 
> url));
>                 //document.observe('dom:loaded', new Random(wrap, container, 
> url));
>                 document.load( a = new Random(wrap, container, url) );
>         },
> };
> I can not understand why the class called "random" is not instantiated
> or otherwise IE does nothing.
> While with fire-fox or other browsers, seems to work properly.
> What could be my mistake?
> Thank you for your attention.
> Regards Loris


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