Hi RobG,

Thanks to point it out, all should read HOST OBJECT :))

> Can you imagine the ramifications of IE not allowing native objects to
> have methods? :-)

No, I prefer not thinking to that. IE have so much pain for developper
that it didn't need this one.


On 23 déc 2009, 03:31, RobG <rg...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> On Dec 23, 4:17 am, david <david.brill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Loris,
> > I think that your trouble is normal, because IE don't allow to
> > instantiate method on native object.
> You might need to re-think that statement. From ECMA-262:
> "Native Object
> "A native object is any object supplied by an ECMAScript
> implementation independent of the host environment. Standard native
> objects are defined in this specification. Some native objects are
> built-in;others may be constructed during the course of execution of
> an ECMAScript program."
> Can you imagine the ramifications of IE not allowing native objects to
> have methods? :-)
> Perhaps you meant host object. But if that were true, most of
> Prototype.js would not work at all in IE.
> > Generally it's not a good idea to extend native objects because your
> > not sure that another JS will not use the same method name !!
> Perhaps you did mean host object. Yes, it's a bad idea to add *non-
> standard* properties to host objects. How do you reconcile that notion
> with the use of Prototype.js's $() function?
> --
> Rob
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