On Dec 22, 9:57 pm, kstubs <kst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a select option, in HTML It is empty like this:
> <select id="myselect" name="selector"><option/></select>
> After page load I make ajax request and finish loading the selector with
> additional option(s).
> So I might have:
> <select id="myselect" name="selector">
>   <option>1</option>
>   <option>2</option>
>   <option>3</option>
> </select>
> I have registered an event to handle a submit click for the form and pass
> the value to the click handler event like this:
> $('paging').down('input.previous').observe('click',
> _msoS.handlePagingSubmit.bindAsEventListener(_msoS, $F('myselect')));
> The value passed to my click handler for myselect is NULL but indeed the
> first option is selected.
You haven't said how the first option is selected (whether by the
user, or by the initial Ajax load); but I think the problem might be
that with some browsers if you populate a <select> by Javascript it is
not enough to have one or more of the <option>s 'selected': you need
to tell the <select> explicitly what is selected.

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