On Jun 30, 5:44 pm, Jonny Nott <jonn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this a gaping hole/bug?

I'm sure the core folks have thick skins, but was "gaping" _really_

On Jun 30, 6:57 pm, Jonny Nott <jonn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I *think* this is exactly what html5shiv is doing. Could try adding
> your suggestion into the test HTML on pastebin, but I'm not at my
> computer right now :(

Correct, that's exactly what html5shiv does: Creates elements using
the new tags so that IE understands that those tags are elements.

It looks like a bug in the old version of Sizzle that Prototype
incorporates. You can see it vs. the current version of Sizzle (in
jQuery) here:

In contrast, if I go back to an earlier version of jQuery with an
older Sizzle, it fails in the same sort of way:

And if I go back to Prototype 1.6.0 (which didn't use Sizzle, it had
its own selector engine), it works:

So it was a bug in Sizzle that's been fixed. The fix would be to
upgrade the Sizzle bundled in Prototype to the latest version.
T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

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