Right - time to deal with all these helpful answers I've been getting, but 
first, to save time, let me say... it's fixed! And a very simple fix it was 
too, which I /thought/ I'd already tried...

On 29 Sep 2011, at 17:15, Richard Quadling wrote:
> Create a test case where it goes wrong. Write new clean code that
> doesn't want/need/use anything from the main project.

I had just prepared such a project when I found the answer among the answers 

And on 29 Sep 2011, at 18:04, Phil Petree wrote:
> This is an interesting problem... my first reaction is that you'd want to use 
> onComplete to update the div's instead of onSuccess.
> Test this with a couple of alerts and see which one gets called first and 
> which is last (just as onCreate is the first call, onComplete is the last).

Well I had already tried onComplete and it made no difference, but I tried your 
suggestion nevertheless and sure enough, wherever I put the alerts in the code 
of the callbacks, onSuccess always emerged before onComplete. It also didn’t 
matter (as I assumed it wouldn't) if I put the onComplete before the onSuccess 
in the code.

Then on 29 Sep 2011, at 18:28, Phil Petree wrote:
> This guy had a solution that worked for me:
> http://www.irt.org/script/416.htm

I had already tried using the time in a similar way to this, but it didn’t 
work. However, in the same message...

> I have also used the cheap trick of adding a random query string on to the 
> end of the image url:
> http://www.somedomain.com/images/newname.jpg?id=random_number and since this 
> will always generate a new url, the browser will refresh the image.

That was the one! As I say, I thought I'd done that - or something very like it 
- in my numerous attempts at different solutions, but I obviously didn’t do 
exactly this, and it seems to work reliably every time in a suitably 
bulletproof fashion. So simple!

It also seems to confirm that my initial suspicions were correct, and it is 
after all a caching issue, not to do with, er, asynchronicity (if that's a word 
- if not, Ive just invented it, so there).

So many thanks for your time and thoughts, Richard and Phil, also ncubica and 
Walter for chipping in.

Cheers... Chris
Highway 57 Web Development -- <http://www.highway57.co.uk/>

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